Blessings In Disguise

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, Jan 12 9:36am

Yesterday, my next door neighbors beautiful, huge dog came over. She is always gated. Someone forgot to close the gate. She was trying to get into the truck with a delivery driver who was delivering a package in my driveway...I had to stop her. She is familiar with me and so friendly. I locked her up in my garage for safety. In the meantime, I threw on an old coat I hadn't worn in a while to go get the owner. I reached my hand into my pocket and found at $10 bill! Thank you Lord. I got to love on a beautiful sweet dog. Thank you Lord. The neighbor was relieved she was safe. Thank you Lord! How many blessings do we miss on a daiy basis because we simply do not look for them or recognize them.....big or small? Have a blessed day precious ones!

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Hi @covidstinks2023! What a serendipitous day you had! I love hearing stories like this.
I have to share one I had a few years ago. It didn’t involved a wonderful encounter with a flooofy dog, but it was a pretty cool day.
I had been cleaning in our bedroom upstairs and happened to look out of the window. Down below me on the lawn, there was a piece of paper in the yard. I didn’t think much of it but then it blew a little ways and it appeared greenish. Huh… went back to cleaning. But the 💡came on and I thought! Money! It looks like money! LOL
So I ran downstairs and got the binoculars out of my husband’s den and ran back upstairs to look! It was definitely a bill! Yes, I know I could have just run outside to check but in my defense I was in my jammies and I looked like a crypt keeper…

Well, now I didn’t care, I had motivation! No neighbors were out so I ran out onto the lawn barefoot, wild hair, jammies flailing and snagged that dollar bill. Except it wasn’t a dollar. It was a $100.00 bill!!! I kid you not! I walked back into the house and my husband questioned my sanity…with my, even for me, uncharacteristic behavior of flying outside ‘like that’…😂
I flaunted my newly found money and told him I may not stoop for quarters anymore but I will fly out of the house in my jammies for a hundred bucks!

I hung onto it for a year and even mentioned it to my neighbors in the hood to see if it came up in conversation besides the obvious silly replies. I ended up putting it in the Bell ringer bucket at Christmas one year. That was just the oddest find.

Though..on the subject of dogs. One of our Golden’s had a penchant for finding money on walks. Over his ‘walking career’ he cashed in over 20 dollars walking and $50 or so pilfering from wallets, pants pockets and the money on the steps for the Pizza guy. ☺️.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful day!


Hi @covidstinks2023! What a serendipitous day you had! I love hearing stories like this.
I have to share one I had a few years ago. It didn’t involved a wonderful encounter with a flooofy dog, but it was a pretty cool day.
I had been cleaning in our bedroom upstairs and happened to look out of the window. Down below me on the lawn, there was a piece of paper in the yard. I didn’t think much of it but then it blew a little ways and it appeared greenish. Huh… went back to cleaning. But the 💡came on and I thought! Money! It looks like money! LOL
So I ran downstairs and got the binoculars out of my husband’s den and ran back upstairs to look! It was definitely a bill! Yes, I know I could have just run outside to check but in my defense I was in my jammies and I looked like a crypt keeper…

Well, now I didn’t care, I had motivation! No neighbors were out so I ran out onto the lawn barefoot, wild hair, jammies flailing and snagged that dollar bill. Except it wasn’t a dollar. It was a $100.00 bill!!! I kid you not! I walked back into the house and my husband questioned my sanity…with my, even for me, uncharacteristic behavior of flying outside ‘like that’…😂
I flaunted my newly found money and told him I may not stoop for quarters anymore but I will fly out of the house in my jammies for a hundred bucks!

I hung onto it for a year and even mentioned it to my neighbors in the hood to see if it came up in conversation besides the obvious silly replies. I ended up putting it in the Bell ringer bucket at Christmas one year. That was just the oddest find.

Though..on the subject of dogs. One of our Golden’s had a penchant for finding money on walks. Over his ‘walking career’ he cashed in over 20 dollars walking and $50 or so pilfering from wallets, pants pockets and the money on the steps for the Pizza guy. ☺️.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful day!

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Love it! You go girl! You were truly blessed beyond measure! I'm going to get my binoculars out right now. LOL!


You got that right! Blessings to you as well.

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