Biopsy found ADH, LCIS, and microcalifications
I am still waiting to get into the breast surgeon. The lab is taking it's time getting the slides of my biopsy over. I just read my pathology report and it reveals ADH, LCIS, and microcalifications of my left breast. I cannot find anything with the three of these at once. I am extremely worried. Good or bad. I appreciate any other stories that can relate.
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I am glad you have gotten your biopsy results so quickly, waiting for biopsy results always feels like a year. Obviously this isn’t good news but it isn’t the worst news either. LCIS means this is still encapsulated and not quite invasive, it hasn’t started invading the surrounding tissue. This is as good as it gets in terms of finding it early. All that early screening due to family history just paid off. I know this feels awful (I remember this time) but you got this.💕
My personal advice would be to ask for any testing possible to be done on this tissue to guide treatments. You will have some decisions to make as I am sure you are aware, make the best decisions you can for YOU, using as much information as you can get, then you can move forward without second guessing yourself.
You have a little time to come to terms, but you will have a lot of information coming at you at once. Do you have a family member or a friend who can join you at your appointment with the surgeon?
Thank you for your response. They called me within 24 hours. When I saw their number on my phone I knew that was not a good sign. Yes, my husband will come with me, I plan on calling again tomorrow. It just is scary that I don't see these three things all together on any forum or in any research. I am assuming the worst is that it will be cancer when the biopsy, whatever it is, they take out.
If I understand correctly your results of ADH is Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia which is a type of precancerous cells.
LCIS is Lobular Cancer In Situ, which is the encapsulated cancer cells before they break out and become invasive.
Microcalfications are just that, but if I understand correctly, placement and quantity of these are also indicators.
I hope these links can give you a bit of information, and maybe some ease of mind. Hopefully you can get more clarity on your own report soon. 😃
@kh4976, in addition to the helpful replies from @auntieoakley, I'm tagging fellow members like @elsie37 @wendysiegler @ngd @annie291 @nbrooks who also have had biopsy reports like yours showing both ADH and LCIS. The microcalcifications are likely benign, but can be helpful information for your cancer team.
KH, I find it helpful to keep pen and paper (or phone) nearby to jot down questions as they fly around in your mind. Then you can organize them before your appointment. Have you started a list already?
Thank you! Questions are definitely flying around in my head. That is a great idea. I have not started a list yet. I feel like when I have my appointment with the breast surgeon I will be able to focus a bit more. I just keeping of how my grandmother died of BC at 35. But my mom is no longer with me… so I have no one to find out any details. So unfortunately I have that factor to consider too. I am up for genetic testing which I imagine will be recommended.