Best laxatives post colectomy

Posted by metriks @metriks, Jul 30, 2023

Had a colectomy a week ago. Have to admit I was taken aback by its difficulties. Hardest surgery I have ever had of many. I am taking miralax which helps a bit but bowels barely moving. Wondering about suppositories. Aftaid I could damage something physically inserting the glycerine suppository particularly as I don’t know where the resection took place. Doctor has said no fiber but miralax ok. I have such pressure pain but very little stool. Thoughts?

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I don’t have experience with a colectomy, but if you specifically can’t take something with fiber, then I think that only leaves stimulant laxatives (which kind of scare me because I have visceral sensitivity and easily get GI pain) and the types that draw water into your gut, hoping to stimulate a bowel movement (like Miralax).

I didn’t have luck with Miralax; it still causes me stomach pain. However I take 300 mg magnesium citrate capsules at night and that helps me. It draws water into the gut. I believe it most often comes in 150 mg capsules. I started with that and realized two capsules work best.

Of the stimulant laxatives, my GI doctor recommended Dulcolax, but I didn’t try it, so can’t say it it would have helped. Good luck. That’s a tough spot to be in.


I don’t have experience with a colectomy, but if you specifically can’t take something with fiber, then I think that only leaves stimulant laxatives (which kind of scare me because I have visceral sensitivity and easily get GI pain) and the types that draw water into your gut, hoping to stimulate a bowel movement (like Miralax).

I didn’t have luck with Miralax; it still causes me stomach pain. However I take 300 mg magnesium citrate capsules at night and that helps me. It draws water into the gut. I believe it most often comes in 150 mg capsules. I started with that and realized two capsules work best.

Of the stimulant laxatives, my GI doctor recommended Dulcolax, but I didn’t try it, so can’t say it it would have helped. Good luck. That’s a tough spot to be in.

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Miralax in general works for me but it took four days before the colectomy and then it often created diarrhea. For me dulcolqx has always been like dynamite. I think it might cause too much pain and cramping.

Any experience with physical options like glycerine suppositories or enemas? They would be gentle but afraid of physically damaging something. I will post what my Dr says tomorrow.


Miralax in general works for me but it took four days before the colectomy and then it often created diarrhea. For me dulcolqx has always been like dynamite. I think it might cause too much pain and cramping.

Any experience with physical options like glycerine suppositories or enemas? They would be gentle but afraid of physically damaging something. I will post what my Dr says tomorrow.

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I see what you mean; Miralax can be gentle, but a little too gentle and take longer… And Dulcolax too much. A conundrum.

I haven’t tried suppositories or a GI NP suggested a Fleet enema at one point as a one-time solution. I didn’t have to go that far though, and I’m also not sure with the colectomy. Good idea to see what your doctor says. Hoping you hear from them soon.


..... just an idea that may or may not work and I happened to mention it yesterday in a chat; many years ago before i got ibs-D, I had a problem not being able to evacuate colon and was also sore in area so had been sitting in a Sitz Bath of warm water - bowl on toilet with seat up - didnt use the tube etc., just used a jug to fill the Sitz bath with warm water... it was for soreness but low and behold, it relaxed my bowel/colon and feces came out..... and once after having barium enema for xrays at hospital I asked for bowl of warm water after and sat in it and same thing. Unfortuntely 2 things happened, because of female area the germs from feces I think gave me the UTI's in bladder, so had to stop - I sure miss those warm bottom-baths tho. Would it be worth a try to see if sitting in warm water would encourage colon to do its job... especially the male body as I dont think need to worry about bladder infections? Am curious to know if this would work for you....J.


..... just an idea that may or may not work and I happened to mention it yesterday in a chat; many years ago before i got ibs-D, I had a problem not being able to evacuate colon and was also sore in area so had been sitting in a Sitz Bath of warm water - bowl on toilet with seat up - didnt use the tube etc., just used a jug to fill the Sitz bath with warm water... it was for soreness but low and behold, it relaxed my bowel/colon and feces came out..... and once after having barium enema for xrays at hospital I asked for bowl of warm water after and sat in it and same thing. Unfortuntely 2 things happened, because of female area the germs from feces I think gave me the UTI's in bladder, so had to stop - I sure miss those warm bottom-baths tho. Would it be worth a try to see if sitting in warm water would encourage colon to do its job... especially the male body as I dont think need to worry about bladder infections? Am curious to know if this would work for you....J.

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Thank you! You have also calidated something else for me. I used to have this fantom sharp pain in the rectum. The only thing that would stop it? A warm sitz bath! I felt like an idiot and the only one in the world but you have validated years of sadness over that.

It is a good idea especially if I can use some sort of pan. I am not allowed to get in a bathtub because it might open or infect my surgical scars but that could work.

I love this group already.


Thank you! You have also calidated something else for me. I used to have this fantom sharp pain in the rectum. The only thing that would stop it? A warm sitz bath! I felt like an idiot and the only one in the world but you have validated years of sadness over that.

It is a good idea especially if I can use some sort of pan. I am not allowed to get in a bathtub because it might open or infect my surgical scars but that could work.

I love this group already.

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Update. Doctor said no to suppositories and enemas and anything else that enters. Miralax they said is the best and I should continue. And 4-6 weeks before anything like normality occurs.


Update. Doctor said no to suppositories and enemas and anything else that enters. Miralax they said is the best and I should continue. And 4-6 weeks before anything like normality occurs.

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Wow 4 to 6 weeks. Seems very, very long to go without something close to a regular BM. I don't know the answer, but how much time has to pass before constipation becomes a real problem, versus an annoyance? I have constipation, and it is VERY annoying.

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