Concerned: I'm beginning to suspect I have pancreatic cancer
I have an appointment with the GI specialist in a couple of weeks, and I sent a message to my GP to ask if there are any blood tests I could do in the meantime. I feel a sense of urgency and anxiety and feel that time is of the essence. But I also know that I am not going to get any guaranteed answers either way until I hear back.
Waiting for Monday for a response from my GP seems like such a long time to wait. I feel like I’m bursting at the seems with anticipation. I don’t want to tell any friends or family because I don’t want them to worry for nothing if it’s not actually cancer, I want to give them the truth when I have it. From my research it looks like there is not a lot of home remedies for symptom relief or anything for pancreatic cancer if that is indeed what it is. Waiting for an appointment with the GI specialist in two weeks seems like it will take forever. I’ll be starting classes for school soon and the abdominal pain is getting worse to the point that I’m afraid it will affect my ability to study and pay attention in class. It has been affecting my quality of life for years and slowly but surely sabotaging me from behind the scenes. I don’t want it to interfere with being able to work at a job or study for class and yet here we are.
I posted my symptoms in detail in another discussion board for Digestive Health (“Mystery abdominal pain”). But the main symptoms are frequent if not constant stomach pain that gets worse after I eat even after seriously modifying my diet to eat the most nutritionally dense and least aggravating foods, bloating and nausea. What works doesn’t usually work long or consistently. Tried a number of meds and supplements, most of which made the pain worse. Extremely sensitive and tender central upper abdomen. I can’t lay on my side too directly, never on my stomach, sometimes even the way I sit in a chair makes it uncomfortable. I’ve seen specialists and dieticians and my progress has plateaued and the pain is much the same, maybe a little worse. I’ve had the stomach pain for about 8 years, but it has gotten noticeably worse with more symptoms in the last 3. I feel like I’m losing my mind a little bit. I want answers but I know I have to wait.
Any recommendations? I feel like deep down in my gut I know it’s cancer but I’m going to feel like a massive fool if I find out within the next few weeks that it’s not.
If it is cancer I feel like I will have to reorder a lot of priorities in my life and get started on healing using every tool I have available to me. But I can’t know until I get the results.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.
My EUS results came back normal. I’m massively relieved, on the one hand, but also still extremely concerned about the fact that I do have severe pancreatic insufficiency without any identified (and hopefully benign) cause. My GI ordered Zenpep for me, which I started taking yesterday, but told me that seeing him for an appointment and identifying the cause of my pancreatic insufficiency is “not urgent.” I had a chest CT at Roswell today and have a follow up appointment with them next Tuesday, so we’ll see what comes of that. I really feel that linking with a new GI specialist is warranted at this point.
From what I’ve read, the Creon doesn’t impact the results of the elastase test, as the Creon is derived from pig enzymes and isn’t picked up by the test.
I had an endoscopic ultrasound done today at Roswell, and there was no indication of any pancreatic abnormality. On the one hand, this is massively reassuring, but on the other hand, this leaves me with no explanation for my other test results indicating severe pancreatic insufficiency. I don’t know if I should remain concerned about the possibility of a diffusely infiltrating pancreatic cancer that can be difficult to detect even via EUS (as per what I’ve read online) or rest assured that an advanced endoscopist with a cancer institute would have seen something if it were there?
My wife was a negative finding for the elastase test, BUT she was already using Creon and wasn't told to stop taking it before being tested.
Yeah, the elastase test can show pancreatic insufficiency, which is typically caused by either pancreatitis or PC. I also have oily/greasy stools. I would definitely advocate for yourself to get the MRI sooner just to be safe, even if that means getting a new GI. Your concerns should not be dismissed. Thank you for the prayers ❤️
I will be praying for you. I also have been concerned about myself. I do have 2 cysts on pancreas and my lipase is low. I have been asking my GI doctor in Atlanta to please do further tests. H said for me to wait until next December for my MRI with/w/o contrast. Sorry to say this but my stool is oily/greasy. So the stool elastase test for PC?
Hey, I went to a GI doctor on Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. What was your doctor's name if you don not mind?
Sorry to ask you this.......but did your bowels bowel looks very oily /greasy....Did yours?
Two to 3 months, can make a difference but much less likely in only 2 weeks. Keep your head up abd thinking of you.
Thank you ❤️