Basal implant

Posted by poornima @poornima, Sep 23, 2023

My mom has complete bone loss in upper and lower jaws making it impossible for normal implants, without lifting sinus. She is 72 yrs old and has calcium deficiency. How safe is basal implant for her? Any risks involved?

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All I can do is pray for her and her choice. I failed a stress test for a
serious hernia operation that I NEED. After 75 we need a support
group which I am beginning to form for a lot of us. GOD BLESS US EVERY ONE...MargaretOB


@poornima Welcome to Connect. Can you provide more information? Is this a question about dental implants and poor bone quality due to osteoporosis? What type of imaging and diagnostics has been done for your mom such as a 3 dimensional CT scan? The information about risks and safety of any procedure must come from her medical provider in consideration of her health status and any comormidities.


You might look at the mini implants. They are wonderful for my Mom in her late eighties. She saw many experts who wanted to do the bone implants. She didn't need implants with the smaller mini. There aren't any problems with them. I love people who look after their parents.


For mini implants, just make sure that you don't have any gum infection. I have a relative who had them done against his dentist's wishes and he had to have them removed. He had too much infection within his gums.


I'm sure there might be complications. Best to ask a really good surgeon. I have osteoporosis and am on Prolia for it but am concerned that this medication is bad for jaws as my dentist told me it stops good blood flow to the jaw when on it. I have had two basal joint thumb joint replacements. I have an amazing surgeon who is famous for doing this surgery. Both surgeries have gone well. I had my second thumb done two months ago so am working hard to regain strength in my thumb. I am almost 70 years old so it has been a little harder than my first one in recovery of movement and strength. My occupational therapist says I will get it back but just have to work harder.The key is finding a good surgeon and really asking him questions about her jaw and the calcium deficiency. They told me that vitamin D3 is really important too. I had the old type surgery where they take the arthritic portion of the basal joint out and replace it with a tendon from your arm. It is the old fashioned but proven best way to do a basal thumb joint replacement in my opinion. You are in a cast for a month making sure the cast does not cover much of your other fingers and leaving a bit open to move your thumb a bit so they don't get stiff. You get a removeable cast after that for a few weeks and start occupational therapy quickly.

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