Barrett’s esophagus with high grade dysplasia

Posted by rsedlock1958 @rsedlock1958, Aug 27, 2024

In July, I was diagnosed with Barrett’s with high grade dysplasia. Within two weeks, I received an ablation procedure which I am mostly recovered from. I go in for another look-see in November. This follows the radiation treatments I had for laryngeal cancer last year ( which seems to be gone).
I’m looking for some experiences in dealing with Barrett’s and what I can expect going forward.

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I had Barrett esophagus and they wanted me to get a fund application. I did and it has ruined my stomach forever. Whatever you do do not agree to that surgery. I now have gastroparesis and should only eat liquid and soft foods.


I hope the ablation works for you. I was diagnosed with BE in 2018. I went on a strict low acid diet and aPPI. Lose all booze, no smoking. Drink unsweetened almond milk which is alkaline. Drink water. Buy low acid coffee if you’re a coffee drinker. No fried fatty foods. No tomato products or spicy foods. No apple cider vinegar or vinegar products. My last 2 scopes came back with no BE to be found. Some other people on here have had ablation done so maybe they will chime in. But the book the acid watcher diet off Amazon. Good luck! I hope you beat it.


I was never a smoker, and I have not been a drinker for quite some time. I have suffered from GERD for sometime. I’m hoping the ablation did the trick, but we will see in November.


Only drink water for 3-4 hours before bedtime. Elevate the head board on your bed.
No food 3-4 hours before bed. This is what I do and have had zero reflux.


Follow up. Today I had my second endoscopy with ablation. It does not seem to be as painful as the first procedure. Clear liquids for a couple of days, then soft foods for 10. Thanksgiving looks like mashed potatoes and squash.

They gave me surcralfate again. My first experience was not good, so the doctor gave me miralax as well.

Onward and upward.


Hopefully you got good news from the doctors. Keep up with the strict diet.

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