Artificial ileocecal valve surgery

Posted by blbanner @blbanner, Mar 27 6:19pm

I have been SUFFERING with SIBO and yeast in my gut ever since I had my ICV removed from my bowel resection in October 2022. I am currently trying to get a referral from my GI to meet with the Mayo Clinic team in Phoenix. I’ve heard of a nipple valve surgery where they intussuscept part of your small intestine into your large intestine and they create a valve that way. Has anyone looked into this? Has anyone had a surgery like this? I only feel somewhat normal when I take Diflucan and Xifaxan at the same time, but it’s not safe to take diflucan long term and my insurance company won’t approve Xifaxan long term. My symptoms return immediately upon stopping. I’ve tried all the diets. I’m feeling like surgery is my last resort. I’d love to do it if there is a team of doctors out there that can help. Any thoughts?

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I have the same issues, ileocecal valve removed in bowel resection surgery in 2003 and SIBO started 2014. I have never heard of the type of surgery that you're describing but my how I would consider it too! I'm very interested to hear if anyone else has info on it. Thanks for posting. I know the misery you're dealing with and I'm so sorry that you're going through all of this. Also, I did a round of Xifaxan and neomycin in November and Medicare and Medicaid wouldn't cover the Xifaxan so my GI doctor helped me apply for the pharmaceutical company's patient assistance program so I could get it at no cost. I'm not certain how often the company would approve low or no cost Xifaxan.


Did you find a fix of any surgeon / clinic that can rebuild artificial a valve ? I have same issue

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