
Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, 6 days ago

I am 45. Been on Exemestane for 1 year. Have had hip pains off and on for months, then last week the pain got very bad. Dr agreed to an xray
Results say: Mild sclerosis of the symphysis pubis.
My nurse friends say that's just for for arthritis.
My Dr has not called me to discuss results.
I feel too young for arthritis. Could this be side effect of Exemestane? Anyone have experience like this?

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Hi @rom828 - I was first made aware of my arthritis when I was 35. I am now 59, with “moderate-to-severe” arthritis in various places (neck, spine, ankles, wrists). I had neck surgery at 40 for arthritis.

If you visit, you can learn a lot about arthritis and how it affects people of all ages, including children. You can also learn about how lifestyle choices can help you. For example, I had to give up running because it was exacerbating the arthritis in my neck and spine.

Hope this helps!


I'm older than you, 67, and osteoarthritis runs in my family. However, pain in my hips has gotten much worse on Exemestane. I'm going to try physical therapy, hoping that proper stretching and some strength training will help. My Dr also prescribed meloxithane(?), which works better than the OTC meds.

Bug your doctor. 45 is young. Aromatase inhibitors DO have a negative effect on tendons and ligaments. You might do better on a different med, ask your oncologist about it.


I'm older than you, 67, and osteoarthritis runs in my family. However, pain in my hips has gotten much worse on Exemestane. I'm going to try physical therapy, hoping that proper stretching and some strength training will help. My Dr also prescribed meloxithane(?), which works better than the OTC meds.

Bug your doctor. 45 is young. Aromatase inhibitors DO have a negative effect on tendons and ligaments. You might do better on a different med, ask your oncologist about it.

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I agree! I started having the arthritis at 40, and now I wish had spoken up more all those years ago because as doctors have changed, and records lost, and too many years of dealing with assorted long term effect of the BC treatments I feel like the pain in my hips and spine are getting worse and it is now something no one really want to deal with.
I will say that the primary I had for years until recently gave me RX lidocaine patches that really do help. I can get my barn chores done and sometimes even go for a short ride.
If you have this at a young age, and you stay on top of it, it might be easier to keep it under control. Do you have a doctor that understands young age and arthritis is hard?

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