Anyone else not in menopause after stopping Zoladex?

Posted by micheleandrew @micheleandrew, Jul 26, 2023

2 early stage BC diagnoses, ER+ at age 40 and 50. Been on Aromatase w/ monthly Zolodex shots (since pre-meno) for almost 3 years; Dr. recommended stopping Zolodex, checking my hormones to see if I am now in menopause. I am not in menopause; my Estrodial is 150, and FSH is a little over 9. My Dr. wants to talk to me; I'm guessing return to the monthly shots or have my ovaries removed/ablated?

Truthfully, my SE's and brain fog, joint pain are so much better since not taking the Zolodex. I need to evaluate my recurrence risk - and the trade offs of the SE's = maybe consider another AI? I was on Tamoxifen for 5 years with my first diagnosis, which didn't do its job obviously.

Side note: I've since learned from my Nutrition Genome report/consult - some women have a genetic mutation where they don't process/metabolize drugs ie tamoxifen effectively. I guess there's some newish research on this?

Anyone been in a similar situation with stopping Zolodex and not being in meno? Maybe I should check out youngsurvival site, though, I am 53 and don't consider myself young! LOL. Women in my family go through menopause late.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I'm sorry I can't be of help on this one but please keep us updated on what your doc recommends and I'm happy your doc is proactive in reaching out. Good luck xooxo


This info is so helpful. Thank you!


I wanted to update all. I talked to my oncologist, since I've had bc twice now, she doesn't advise that I stop my adjunct treatment. She said taking AI's reduces my recurrence risk by 50%, and the most efficacy is in the first 5 years of taking it, so I'm almost at 3 years. I took Tamoxifen for 5 years after the 1st dx, so I can't go back to Tamoxifen. I'm going to start up on my Zolodex shots (to put me in chemical meno) and start a new AI though - switching from Aromatase to another one to see if that's any better. Now that I've been off for 2+ weeks, I will say my joint pain/stiffness is pretty much gone but I still have brain fog and fatigue - but maybe that's something else. I also have two teenage sons! LOL. I'm going to talk to the Integrative Oncology RD in a few weeks to see if there are any lifestyle/nutritional supports that might help.


I wanted to update all. I talked to my oncologist, since I've had bc twice now, she doesn't advise that I stop my adjunct treatment. She said taking AI's reduces my recurrence risk by 50%, and the most efficacy is in the first 5 years of taking it, so I'm almost at 3 years. I took Tamoxifen for 5 years after the 1st dx, so I can't go back to Tamoxifen. I'm going to start up on my Zolodex shots (to put me in chemical meno) and start a new AI though - switching from Aromatase to another one to see if that's any better. Now that I've been off for 2+ weeks, I will say my joint pain/stiffness is pretty much gone but I still have brain fog and fatigue - but maybe that's something else. I also have two teenage sons! LOL. I'm going to talk to the Integrative Oncology RD in a few weeks to see if there are any lifestyle/nutritional supports that might help.

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I'm tagging fellow members @sarahmh @cancerwifemom @aestong into this discussion. I think they may have similar experiences to share.


I’m taking zoladex now, since November. My ankles feel restless at night and the hot flashes are relentless. My oncologist believes that both symptoms are from the zoladex and not tamoxifen. My cancer was low estrogen at 10% and pr negative but we’re sticking with the shots because I’m afraid not too. I’m on 75mg of effexor for the hot flashes and I do think it helps at night. I’ll test for menopause after my 5 years of zoladex and then make a new plan.

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