Are my initial symptoms Classic for Neuropathy

Posted by nubiwan @nubiwan, Mar 15 2:07pm

Originally posted in the long thread, but not sure I should have just started a new thread to introduce myself. Sorry for duplication.

I am in the process of trying to determine cause of numbness in my feet, and now a pinky finger on my right hand. Right now, I have what I think is Neuropathy, but I guess it could be Radiculopathy. Still undiagnosed.

In fall of last year, I noticed the bottom of my heal had become numb. I had no idea the cause. Don't recall being in any accident. No illness etc. In the last 2-3 months the numbness developed into tingling and began to spread on the outside of my feet, eventually to include my 4 outer toes and the bottom of my foot on my right side. The left side is not as bad, affecting just the outer two toes at time of writing this. The upshot is that the flat of most of my right foot is now numb, and tingling persists in the toes. In the last 2 weeks, I developed some numbness in my pinky finger/knuckle area on my right hand.

Needless to say, its got me freaked out. My family doctor checked my blood for B14 deficiency, and Diabetes. All clear on that. She has also put me in for a vascular test on my feet, to rule out circulation issues.. I went to a Chiropractor and a Physio clinic about 5-6 weeks back, to see if they could suggest anything. Both suggested possible entrapment (pinching) of my S1 nerve might cause this sensation. I did not have any numbness in my finger at that point. The physio suggested I might want to rule out MS, so that really was troubling to hear.

I have a friend who is an orthopedic surgeon. He checked me physically for MS symptoms and told me it is highly unlikely that that is what I have. I'm still a bit freaked all the same. He booked me for and MRI, which I just had yesterday. Queried a drug I took last year for toenail fungus (Terbinafine). Wondered if there was a link there. I guess I am waiting on results of the MRI. The only other notable thing I can recall late las year is that I had a quite painful insect bite on my back. Painful enough that it took a week or so to settle. Thought of Lyme disease here, but again, no other symptoms present for that.

As for my physical state, I have had no back pain of note, and I am generally, quite fit for a 63 year old. Could probably shed 15 lbs but my I'm reasonably happy with my weight. I recently hiked around Zion National park, and did several hikes at elevation in Bryce Canyon too. All with my tingling feet. In the last month, I did find out that my blood pressure was up (no kidding) and have stated taking a diuretic for that. Did not affect me hiking whatsoever.

My employment sees me out on a boat, and I am often in very cold (feet and hands) conditions for several hours a day. I do use hand warmers to control some heat loss, but it still gets pretty cold. Don't know if this can be a factor.

I guess, by posting here, I am hoping to determine if what I experienced with my feet and hand are classic neuropathy symptoms that everyone encounters. Again, apologies for the length of this post, and thanks in advance for any help, advice, comments, further questions.

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Welcome @nubiwan, Numbness, tingling and pain symptoms in the hands and feet are neuropathy symptoms a lot of us have with peripheral neuropathy. I think the best way to determine is to see a neurologist and have tests done to see if they can diagnose a specific type/cause of your neuropathy symptoms.

Here's some information on how neuropathy is diagnosed -

Have you thought about seeking a referral for an appointment with a neurologist?


Have you been to a Neurologist and had a nerve conduction test(EMG)? It measures the electrical activity in your muscles and nerves and can diagnose neuropathy.


Please make an appointment now for a neurologist. Numbness cannot be reversed, pain may be managed. But, as I have learned, do not ignore symptoms. You do not want this to advance.
Get a diagnosis. Insist on more than blood work. Have your full medical history and a list of questions.


To be tested for neuropathy you need a neuromuscular neurologist. EMG/nerve conduction test and biopsies for small fiber neuropathy. I have severe axonal sensorimotor peripheral polyneuropathy, small fiber neuropathy, dysautonomia, and cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Since neuropathy deals with your nerves it causes numbness of your feet and hands.


It may be good to see a neurologist to test for small fiber neuropathy via a skin punch biopsy. They take samples from thigh and ankle. I have this and my symptoms started in my feet with burning/pins and needles. I am not diabetic so it is idiopathic. The neurologist may want to do a neuropathy blood panel and EMG/nerve conduction study depending on your symptoms and exam.

I take alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl l carnitine supplements which have helped calm it down.

Your pinky numbness is interesting. May be a trapped nerve.



It may be good to see a neurologist to test for small fiber neuropathy via a skin punch biopsy. They take samples from thigh and ankle. I have this and my symptoms started in my feet with burning/pins and needles. I am not diabetic so it is idiopathic. The neurologist may want to do a neuropathy blood panel and EMG/nerve conduction study depending on your symptoms and exam.

I take alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl l carnitine supplements which have helped calm it down.

Your pinky numbness is interesting. May be a trapped nerve.


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Ugh! Biopsy!! That sounds like an ouch. Let them do a physical testing with the 2-pronged whatchamacallit...looks like a tuning fork, hooked up to electricity. Had it done 3 doctor wanted to believe the other doctors? I was lying about it? They never told me why the repeat. But you never mentioned Raynaud's.....yeah, I have that as well....
I used to come in from the cold, back in my NH days, with bright red and very cold nose, toes, ears, and hands. Now it's frozen-cold feet, always, socks and shoes or boots, even indoors , the ears are a bit less likely to be freezing only because I'm more likely to cover them well outdoors, but they are rarely warm to the touch...nose is usually cold to the touch, sometimes it's a big pain on my face, and not a nose, and my hands need constant warming unless I'm taking the doc's advise: get into a warm bed. Stay warm. Oh. And all of it hurts most of the time. What fun. Research it online...then you might decide to ask a Neurologist or Rheumatologist about it...or maybe a Podiatrist. I have all three kinds of docs. Don't really remember, but I think the original maybe/diagnosis came from a GP in NH.

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