Appreciation for this Chat Board

Posted by Miriam, Volunteer Mentor @mir123, Sep 4, 2023

I don't know how I would have managed this past year without you all. The moderators are so good, creating a positive tone of sharing and trust. I don't have a question--just a THANK YOU.

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I so agree. Thankful and grateful for all of you!


@mir123 and @covidstinks2023…Oh my gosh, your words of praise for this fabulous forum brought tears to my eyes! As one of the mentors for Mayo Connect, I can speak for all of us that these positive accolades mean the world to us and our fearless leader @colleenyoung. It’s the goal of Connect to bring people together in a safe and trusting atmosphere of community.

It’s members like you, who come to Connect with their own set of health issues in hope of finding answers or to at least not feel so alone…then in turn, I see you coming to the rescue of a new member with open arms, that offer of hope…the all important life-line.

So thank you to the members for continuing to keep Connect such a beneficial and welcoming place for everyone. You know the saying, “It takes a village”. As members in this community, we are the village and we’re all in this together. I’d say it’s time for a group hug. ☺️


Your words are just music to my ears! Thank you @mir123 and @covidstinks2023 ! So often, I answer a questions not knowing if that is what the member wants. And thank you for being such active members!


As one of the newer members I am blessed by this site every day. I made some “bone headed” mistakes and really felt the love of this group and total acceptance. This is truly a godsend.


I agree that the moderators are positive. I often times find myself thinking, gee I wish I could express myself as well 🙂 Mayo Clinic did the community a big favor by creating this forum.


@mir123 and @covidstinks2023…Oh my gosh, your words of praise for this fabulous forum brought tears to my eyes! As one of the mentors for Mayo Connect, I can speak for all of us that these positive accolades mean the world to us and our fearless leader @colleenyoung. It’s the goal of Connect to bring people together in a safe and trusting atmosphere of community.

It’s members like you, who come to Connect with their own set of health issues in hope of finding answers or to at least not feel so alone…then in turn, I see you coming to the rescue of a new member with open arms, that offer of hope…the all important life-line.

So thank you to the members for continuing to keep Connect such a beneficial and welcoming place for everyone. You know the saying, “It takes a village”. As members in this community, we are the village and we’re all in this together. I’d say it’s time for a group hug. ☺️

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@mir123 @covidstinks2023 @captboat @teababs09 Thank you for all the kind comments. Like @becsbuddy and @loribmt I think long and hard about what I’m writing or about to writing because I don’t know if I’m providing the answers that the member is looking for. You might have noticed that sometimes we ask a lot of questions so we can figure out how best to support the member.

What first brought me here and continues to keep me here at Mayo Clinic Connect is that wacky or nasty points are rarely seen here. If they ever do such posts get removed. We all in this together and there is enormous kindness and compassion among all of our members.


I'm so blessed to be apart of Mayo Clinic connect .All of you beautiful ladies have been so helpful with your comments and having someone who understands what we all are going through and giving each other Support. I'm praying for you all to be blessed with healing from the greatest physician from above (God)


I'm so blessed to be apart of Mayo Clinic connect .All of you beautiful ladies have been so helpful with your comments and having someone who understands what we all are going through and giving each other Support. I'm praying for you all to be blessed with healing from the greatest physician from above (God)

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me75, Me too. God bless you & praying for you.


I'm amazed at how fast the moderators respond and always with helpful information! Thank you for your TLC! Thanks for all the participants as well for always listening and providing input as needed. Great site I stumbled upon! 🙂


100% agreement with all of the positive comments!

Moderators, bless you all for your time and tact!

I used to read another organization's chat until I found Mayo Connect, which is so much better! I think Mayo is so much better because the moderators here really make a huge difference. You moderators set a positive tone without denying the harsh realities that many here face. And, as previously mentioned, you keep the kooks out, too!

And kudos to the kind members who respond so generously with their hard-earned wisdom and advice.

I come here almost everyday to get uplifted or to try to give back to this community.

THANKS, everybody! (If I were more tech savvy, there would be a bunch of cute emojis here... : )

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