Anyone have breast aching, stinging as only symptom of breast cancer?

Posted by joannemm34293 @joannemm30809, Aug 14, 2023

It seems I am a rarity regarding my Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and my only symptom has been my breast aching and stinging. I have had no other symptoms whatsoever and still can not even feel this lump.

I keep reading breast cancer, IDC, is painless YET that’s been my only symptom.

Anyone else only have breast aching or stinging?
I’m STILL waiting on my surgery date which is August 29. I’ve never ever seen soooo much waiting waiting waiting in between abnormal mammogram, then ultrasound, then MRI with contrast, the biopsy, then meet with breast surgeon to FINALLY get scheduled for surgery. Good grief.

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Yes, I had aching and stinging in my breast before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Every time I put the seat belt on, I felt a pain. I can't remember the exact length of time but many months later I felt a lump in the same place. I had a 2 cm tumor that was a low-grade adeno squamous metaplastic carcinoma.
It's not true that breast cancer is always painless.

I am so sorry that you have to go through this. Keep us posted.


Yes, I had aching and stinging in my breast before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Every time I put the seat belt on, I felt a pain. I can't remember the exact length of time but many months later I felt a lump in the same place. I had a 2 cm tumor that was a low-grade adeno squamous metaplastic carcinoma.
It's not true that breast cancer is always painless.

I am so sorry that you have to go through this. Keep us posted.

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I will. Yeah, several of my doctors when I told him my breast kept aching and I was worried about possible breast cancer. They all said to me. Oh well, it’s good that you have pain because that means that it’s most likely not cancer. And then, when I started speaking to cancer specialist doctors, they said that it’s not true whatsoever. But even when you read up on some of the symptoms of breast cancer, it never really mentions aching or stinging. It always mentions a lump or the texture of the skin changes or the nipple inverts but oh I’ve had to this day is a deep doll ache like a toothache and a little bee stings. My surgery is August 29 and I’m having a double mastectomy at my age of 63. These are ticking time bombs on me, and I’m ready to be done with them. Hopefully my insurance does not give me a hard time because I want a double mastectomy. And I’m not even gonna have reconstruction. I do not think. I had implants breast implants in when I was 25 years old, and within 10 years the left breast implant ruptured and leaked silicone all in my left chest wall and that’s the left breast that has the Cancer right now too. So I do not want implants and the more I look at that DIEP flap I’m not interested in that either. You can get herniations after that surgery and blood clots and infection and you can get necrosis where they go and transfer all that fat from your abdomen and move it up to form breast, and if the blood vessels do not connect with that fat it just dies and they have to remove it so I think I’m just gonna stay flat and wear a padded bra but I’m glad at least that I heard from someone like you that also has had just the stinging and the aching or pain as the only symptom.


Now that you mention it, I had pinching type feeling but not all the time. The pinch was behind my nipple. Guess where my cancer turned out to be!


My lump
was painful but family dr couldnt feel it so said pain probably from carrying heavy loads! Mammo showed nothing and I had to insist with another Dr to finally get ultrasound that showed pain was indeed from IDC.


I also had breast pain and never did have a lump. My regular mammogram found the cancer- IDC. I had a lumpectomy 11 months ago and did radiation and am on estrogen blocker for 5 years. I still have breast pain on and off and it always scares me. I have a friend just diagnosed with breast cancer and she also had pain. Hang in there and keep fighting for yourself!!!


My lump
was painful but family dr couldnt feel it so said pain probably from carrying heavy loads! Mammo showed nothing and I had to insist with another Dr to finally get ultrasound that showed pain was indeed from IDC.

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Wow. Almost exactly my situation. In January my breast started aching in one spot on upper outer part of breast. My doctor nor I could feel a lump. I then got a high definition ultrasound that saw in that exact location a benign cyst so my doctor said most likely a cyst is causing the aching.

Two weeks later, in February, I had my yearly 3D mammogram and it showed nothing wrong, ‘all normal with no cysts, masses or malignancy found’ and return in one year. My doctor said the cyst from two weeks earlier on ultrasound most likely dissolved.
BUT my breast still ached. By May I insisted my Dr order a MRI. The MRI showed a highly suspicious solid mass with irregular borders in EXACT location the ultrasound on Feb 2nd called a benign cyst.

A biopsy proved that so called cyst, and what 3D mammogram totally missed, was a cancerous tumor. Unreal. I HAVE LOST FAITH IN THE ULTRASOUNDS AND MAMMOGRAMS.


I will. Yeah, several of my doctors when I told him my breast kept aching and I was worried about possible breast cancer. They all said to me. Oh well, it’s good that you have pain because that means that it’s most likely not cancer. And then, when I started speaking to cancer specialist doctors, they said that it’s not true whatsoever. But even when you read up on some of the symptoms of breast cancer, it never really mentions aching or stinging. It always mentions a lump or the texture of the skin changes or the nipple inverts but oh I’ve had to this day is a deep doll ache like a toothache and a little bee stings. My surgery is August 29 and I’m having a double mastectomy at my age of 63. These are ticking time bombs on me, and I’m ready to be done with them. Hopefully my insurance does not give me a hard time because I want a double mastectomy. And I’m not even gonna have reconstruction. I do not think. I had implants breast implants in when I was 25 years old, and within 10 years the left breast implant ruptured and leaked silicone all in my left chest wall and that’s the left breast that has the Cancer right now too. So I do not want implants and the more I look at that DIEP flap I’m not interested in that either. You can get herniations after that surgery and blood clots and infection and you can get necrosis where they go and transfer all that fat from your abdomen and move it up to form breast, and if the blood vessels do not connect with that fat it just dies and they have to remove it so I think I’m just gonna stay flat and wear a padded bra but I’m glad at least that I heard from someone like you that also has had just the stinging and the aching or pain as the only symptom.

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I too had some aching and tingling similar to the feeling of one’s milk coming in when nursing. Mine was IDC.
However - mine found with routine mammo vs symptoms. I am just about 1 year out from surgery.
Wishing you the best with everything!


I also had breast pain and never did have a lump. My regular mammogram found the cancer- IDC. I had a lumpectomy 11 months ago and did radiation and am on estrogen blocker for 5 years. I still have breast pain on and off and it always scares me. I have a friend just diagnosed with breast cancer and she also had pain. Hang in there and keep fighting for yourself!!!

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So far over past five months I have had eight family members or friend all diagnosed with breast cancer. Then last night a very close friend of mine called and said now her niece was diagnosed yesterday with breast cancer AND her neighbor that lives above her in her condo building also recently diagnosed.


I will. Yeah, several of my doctors when I told him my breast kept aching and I was worried about possible breast cancer. They all said to me. Oh well, it’s good that you have pain because that means that it’s most likely not cancer. And then, when I started speaking to cancer specialist doctors, they said that it’s not true whatsoever. But even when you read up on some of the symptoms of breast cancer, it never really mentions aching or stinging. It always mentions a lump or the texture of the skin changes or the nipple inverts but oh I’ve had to this day is a deep doll ache like a toothache and a little bee stings. My surgery is August 29 and I’m having a double mastectomy at my age of 63. These are ticking time bombs on me, and I’m ready to be done with them. Hopefully my insurance does not give me a hard time because I want a double mastectomy. And I’m not even gonna have reconstruction. I do not think. I had implants breast implants in when I was 25 years old, and within 10 years the left breast implant ruptured and leaked silicone all in my left chest wall and that’s the left breast that has the Cancer right now too. So I do not want implants and the more I look at that DIEP flap I’m not interested in that either. You can get herniations after that surgery and blood clots and infection and you can get necrosis where they go and transfer all that fat from your abdomen and move it up to form breast, and if the blood vessels do not connect with that fat it just dies and they have to remove it so I think I’m just gonna stay flat and wear a padded bra but I’m glad at least that I heard from someone like you that also has had just the stinging and the aching or pain as the only symptom.

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I don’t remember having any symptoms; no pain no lump, etc. so I was very surprised at my IDC diagnosis. I hope your first visit to Moffitt was positive. I have been thinking about you. The nurses in surgery center are wonderful.


I don’t remember having any symptoms; no pain no lump, etc. so I was very surprised at my IDC diagnosis. I hope your first visit to Moffitt was positive. I have been thinking about you. The nurses in surgery center are wonderful.

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Hopefully Moffitt can get rid of all this cancer and have a aggressive plan of action. Only thing I really hate about this entire nightmare is the waiting and waiting and waiting throughout the many steps until you FINALLY get to surgery. No wonder so many women have cancer that has spread or they die from this cancer is because there is way too much waiting waiting waiting and time that passes before you get a consultation or biopsy AND waiting for surgery.

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