Anyone Have Exp w/T-6 Fracture & Weighted Vest?

Posted by ilovetrees @ilovetrees, Aug 2, 2023

Does anyone with a T-6 compression fracture have experience wearing a weighted vest? What type and how many lbs? Did it help? I’m 76. My Dexa is -4.5. I’ve started PT in our small town, and the therapist is recommending one. The local endocrinologist has only recommended daily walking and wants me to start Evenity after my a-fib is better controlled - she says maybe in one year. No other recommendations. My a-fib may never be better controlled. I’m wondering if I should find/consult with another endocrinologist in the city, 3 hours away. I’m frustrated. So glad I found this group.

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@ilovetrees Hello and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You came to the right place where you can get good support and suggestions from this Support Group.

I just met with an endocrinologist for the first time on Monday. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis about 15 years ago and received very little guidance from my primary care providers that I’ve seen during that period of time. I took Fosomax for 5 years and that helped my bone density however I never had any discussions about lifestyle changes in diet and exercise that would be helpful for me. I have always been active (weightlifting, walking, hiking, x-country skiining) but I had radiation therapy for a recurrence of endometrial cancer in 2021. The radiation oncologist informed me of possible problems I might have after radiation therapy and I experienced one of them-sacral fracture. This is called an insuffiency sacral fracture. It wasn’t a compression fracture which is a different cause than my fracture. Is your T1-5 a compression fracture?

The endocrinologist I saw spent a considerable amount of time discussing my medical history, providing explanations, and making recommendations. One of the recommendations was to get a minimum of 60 minutes a day of walking or similar weight bearing. When I asked about a weight vest he said that was a good idea for me and to start at a low weight such as 10 pounds and then increase the weight over time. But…this is for my insuffiency sacral fracture and your fracture is at a different level than mine and could be from a different cause. I’d suggest asking your endocrinologist your question or as you suggested getting another opinion.

According to my doctor, there are many things to consider when prescribing medication for osteoporosis and medical history is one of them. I don’t know enough about these medications to say if the a-fib needs to be better controlled before you can start on one of the medications for osteoporosis. That’s a question, again, to ask a doctor. If your current endocrinologist isn’t discussing these options with you maybe it would be good to seek another opinion. We don’t have any endocrinologists in the small town I live in so I thought it was worth it to drive to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN (8 hours from my home) where I already get my cancer care. Can you get a referral to another endocrinologist from your primary care provider?


Hi welcome. Some people do video doctor appts all over the country. You don’t have to travel unless you want to.

I got my dx in February and it IS life changing. We all find our way though.
You came to the right place. This group is very supportive. I am 60 years old in North Carolina . We are all on different medicine / treatment paths .
I personally don’t wear a weighted vest but I watched one video that said it’s not safe should you fall with it on.

I think you are on the right path. I only exercise 35-45 minutes per day at the gym so I think your one hour plan is better. The gym though gives you a good workout.

Mayoclinic has virtual dr visits as many places do. I personally go to a private group and not a hospital based group or university based group but their office is next to the hospital.

I have bad dexa scores and I am on Tymlos self injections.


@ilovetrees I would not wear a weighted vest with -4.5 DEXA score and a thoracidc fracture. I have thoracic fractures and have been told absolutely not. You might want to check out the website for Margaret Martin at She has info on exercises and safety for those of us with fractures.

I have afib that is infrequent and dramatic when it happens. I land in the ER or even ICU. But I have done fine on Tymlos, which builds bone (as does Evenity). I am starting to wonder why so many docs are prescribing Evenity.

With -4.5 and a fracture I would NOT wait a year. Maybe you can find a different opinion at another endo.

I made sure my heart was okay on Tymlos by starting at a low dose. The injection pen has "clicks" and 8 clicks is a full dose. I started with two and moved up to give my body a chance to adjust. (My heart did not like the first full dose!) I had great results with 6-7 "clicks."

My heart did not like Forteo at all. Forteo only has the full dose on the pen.


Thank you so much. This is very helpful - especially since you have a-fib. I found Margaret Martin’s site a couple of weeks ago, and signed up for the free 6-week program. Take care!


Hi welcome. Some people do video doctor appts all over the country. You don’t have to travel unless you want to.

I got my dx in February and it IS life changing. We all find our way though.
You came to the right place. This group is very supportive. I am 60 years old in North Carolina . We are all on different medicine / treatment paths .
I personally don’t wear a weighted vest but I watched one video that said it’s not safe should you fall with it on.

I think you are on the right path. I only exercise 35-45 minutes per day at the gym so I think your one hour plan is better. The gym though gives you a good workout.

Mayoclinic has virtual dr visits as many places do. I personally go to a private group and not a hospital based group or university based group but their office is next to the hospital.

I have bad dexa scores and I am on Tymlos self injections.

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Thank you! Thymos sounds like it might be the best way to go, since l could start with a low dose. I’m across the country in Oregon. There’s a clinic in Portland that specializes in osteoporosis. I feel like I need another endo opinion and hopefully can get an appointment soon. Waiting a year doesn’t feel right at all. I’m seeing my cardio in a few days for her input. Fingers crossed. I’m so grateful this group exists. Many thanks to everyone who replied! Take care.


Thank you! Thymos sounds like it might be the best way to go, since l could start with a low dose. I’m across the country in Oregon. There’s a clinic in Portland that specializes in osteoporosis. I feel like I need another endo opinion and hopefully can get an appointment soon. Waiting a year doesn’t feel right at all. I’m seeing my cardio in a few days for her input. Fingers crossed. I’m so grateful this group exists. Many thanks to everyone who replied! Take care.

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My cardio didn't know and googled it! A pharmacist or maybe a rep from the Tymlos company (Radius) could tell you more- ?

By the way my endo doc is chief of endo at a top hospital in the country and not only approves of the way I started Tymlos at a low dose but said he is now using that idea with other patients. So if your doc balks maybe you can tell them that it is top-doc-approved!


Thank you! Thymos sounds like it might be the best way to go, since l could start with a low dose. I’m across the country in Oregon. There’s a clinic in Portland that specializes in osteoporosis. I feel like I need another endo opinion and hopefully can get an appointment soon. Waiting a year doesn’t feel right at all. I’m seeing my cardio in a few days for her input. Fingers crossed. I’m so grateful this group exists. Many thanks to everyone who replied! Take care.

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I started at 2 clicks too on Tymlos. Windyshores has saved many of us here because many of us didn’t know we could start low. Many doctors are not for starting at a low dose but they don’t understand it’s either that or possibly not doing it or dropping out if the dose starts out too high.
Thankfully this medicine can be adjusted by the patients themselves ( many of us here) for those of us who need a slower progression.


I started at 2 clicks too on Tymlos. Windyshores has saved many of us here because many of us didn’t know we could start low. Many doctors are not for starting at a low dose but they don’t understand it’s either that or possibly not doing it or dropping out if the dose starts out too high.
Thankfully this medicine can be adjusted by the patients themselves ( many of us here) for those of us who need a slower progression.

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Hello! What is Windyshores?


Hello! What is Windyshores?

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@ilovetrees windyshores is me 🙂

I want to add that the goal is to get to a therapeutic dose as quickly as you can tolerate. I was never at full dose in my first 20 months but am doing it now, though it is hard. At 6 or 7 clicks I had few side effects ultimately and had excellent gains. I don't know why there is such a difference with 8 clicks!


Duh . . . Sorry! LOL. Nice to meet you windyshores. 😊 I’ve had numerous allergic reactions to several meds (rashes, hives, tight throat and gasping for breath), so starting out a new drug slowly alleviates some of my fear. Are you comfortable sharing the name/clinic/location of your endocrinologist?

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