Anyone have a positive Cologuard test?

Posted by dazlin @dazlin, Nov 21, 2019

My test results came back positive. I asked what did it show, because they test for 11 different cancers or categories. They said, it just states either negative or positive for cancer. I had problems a few years back and did a colonoscopy, which came back ok. Now this!! I'm reading theres a 13 percent chance of false positive. Right now I'm extremely distraught about having to go through all Consults, tests, and dreaded preps. Orders are in for Consult with gastro, but they're booked out through January or February in Mayo. I have not received any notice for appointment yet. Dont know what to think or do.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


Thank you for your post and update. I had a negative test a little over 3 years ago and a positive test this week. Luckily I have my scope next week but I’m terrified.

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@klesab, how did your colonoscopy go?


I had a positive Cologuard test 3 years ago, needed to get my 1st colonoscopy and they found a over 20 pre-cancer polyps that they removed and tested. I thought that was it, but they suggested that i get another colonoscopy a year later that also found more polyps. That's when my Gastro highly encouraged getting genetic testing for AFAP (attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis) . That's also came back positive. If the polyps are not removed then there is a 70% chance that they will become cancer. Cologuard was a blessing in some aspects because I may have never known. Now I am REALLY having a hard time finding any physicians that know anything about this Hereditary Cancer Syndrome and what I should be doing about it besides regular 6 months - 1 year colonoscopies., and thyroid ultrasounds. As far as I know, there is still no actual cancer. Its supposed to be better to know earlier when it can still be prevented.


Thank you for your post and update. I had a negative test a little over 3 years ago and a positive test this week. Luckily I have my scope next week but I’m terrified.


I had to send mine in and let them read it. They contacted me, said I had blood in my stool, and would need a colonoscopy, so I did. It was precancerous polyp & they removed it. Told me to come back in 3 years.

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It's also in 2 lymph nodes.


I'm 72 had a colorquard come back positive then had a colonoscopy that came back bad. Had my surgery to remove part of my colon remove. Found cancer in my lymph nodes so now starting chemo. Sucks

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Bummer! My husband just had a regular scheduled colonoscopy. No symptoms. His came back positive for rectal cancer. He had surgery & a temporary bag. Is now waiting to have chemo. I dread it for him. He is recovering well from the surgery, but hates the bag!


I had the same, my cologuard test came back positive, but I don't no
how to read it, the green line says negative with a % sign and below it
is the red line that says positive with a % sign, I just don't understand it,
how do you figure it out?

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I had to send mine in and let them read it. They contacted me, said I had blood in my stool, and would need a colonoscopy, so I did. It was precancerous polyp & they removed it. Told me to come back in 3 years.


Colleen, this my 2nd attempt to answer your reply..seems it disappeared. Yes, I'll go through Mayo since I'm already an existing patient there. I live about 100 miles south of Jax Mayo Clinic. My care team has put orders in G.I. dept, on the 13th, but nothing has been scheduled yet. They said keep trying, so I called again yesterday, and still nothing scheduled. This coming week will be going on 2 weeks. I'm praying this doesn't get dragged out much longer. I'm not taking this well at all!!! Besides, I DREAD the tests!!

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I had a cologuard test. It came back positive for blood in the stool, not necessarily cancer. They made me have a colonoscopy because of it. I had one. It came back with one precancerous polyp. They removed it and told me to retest in 3 years.


My husband had a positive colo test. He said 13% chance of false positive ? Rather than panic or worry, he ignored it. He is still ok after the 6 years . He says , don’t go looking for a medical problem unless you feel bad . At his age (76) you will always find something. I say feel as good as you can as long as you can . No one lasts forever . And every death is not a disaster.



Several posts noted that only 5% of the positive tests are indicative of colon cancer. Yes? Does anyone know where that number comes from? Basis or source? Is that a good/defensible number?

I think I also read that 14% are false positives. That leaves 81% as polyps? Yes? No?

Thank you!

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I had a colonoscopy back in 2013. After that I had 2 cologuards 2017,2020. Both were negative.

In summer 2024 I started to feel a change in bowel habits.
Finally had a colonoscopy in November. I had diverticulitis with a stricture and needed a bowel resection quickly..
I’m thankful all pathology was negative but I tell my story because if I had a colonoscopy back in 2020 I may have discovered I had diverticulitis and could have changed up my diet and maybe could have avoided surgery.

As cologuard is a great, less invasive option I think it’s best to do it ever other time your scheduled for a colonoscopy.
Nothing is better detecting problems than a colonoscopy.



Several posts noted that only 5% of the positive tests are indicative of colon cancer. Yes? Does anyone know where that number comes from? Basis or source? Is that a good/defensible number?

I think I also read that 14% are false positives. That leaves 81% as polyps? Yes? No?

Thank you!

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This is actually a very complex topic. To answer the question fully it would take a lot more space than just this forum. Remember that Cologuard represents The best screening assay available and the company is rolling out a new improved version that will be even better. But it's not a black and white world. Polyps can be benign or several grades of precancer leading to cancer, which can only be determined bye colonoscopy and a histopath examination of the tissue. When most people, me included, get a positive color guard, we want to grab onto information such as "well, only 5% of cologuard positives actually result in cancer diagnosis".. examination of available research data this past week shows that this five or 6% number is no longer being reported but rather data is shown for various age classes of individuals. I think it's comforting to think that cologuard is a wonderful screening assay to get you into see a doctor and have a colonoscopy and start the path to better health. All I know is my cologuard in May of 2023 gave me new life!

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