Anyone finishing up treatment with Opdivo Immunotherapy after surgery?

Posted by zzonner @zzonner, Aug 18, 2023

Had Minimally Invasive I-R surgery at Mayo Phoenix 2 weeks ago and feel great. Surgery recovery thus far was way better than I expected.
Pathology showed all margins were clear, nothing in the lymph nodes and the PET Scan was clear. Tumor was 5.5 cm Stage T3N0. Oncologist wants to do a year of Optivo just to be sure all microscopic cancer cells are taken care of. Anyone else go down that road? Had 25 Proton Radiation and 5 Carbo/Taxol chemo and very little side effects. Mayo Oncologist says the Immunotherapy is becoming the standard of care after surgery.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Esophageal Cancer Support Group.

@zzonner, I believe that @naomicanada @tharris6509 @yinouye and @roger72 have experience with immunotherapy for esophageal cancer.

So good to hear that recovery is going well after surgery. When will you start treatment with nivolumab (Opdivo)?


@zzonner, I believe that @naomicanada @tharris6509 @yinouye and @roger72 have experience with immunotherapy for esophageal cancer.

So good to hear that recovery is going well after surgery. When will you start treatment with nivolumab (Opdivo)?

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My Oncologist says we'll start 5 weeks from now, a few appointments 2 weeks apart then once a month for a year. Nothing is set yet. My Oncologist describes this treatment as the cherry on top of the sundae. Hope he's right.


My Oncologist says we'll start 5 weeks from now, a few appointments 2 weeks apart then once a month for a year. Nothing is set yet. My Oncologist describes this treatment as the cherry on top of the sundae. Hope he's right.

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Hi my mom is almost done with immunotherapy she had OPDIVO. We did the test to see if the cancer cells were producing more pdl1 proteins and they did: the immunotherapy works with that so that is good.
Sides effects: she has waves of tireness but nothing like she experience with chemo. Also few days after she has a runny nose.
Her skin is dry.
Despite this the year went really well.


My mom had the exact same except at surgery they found 1 lymph node + glued to tumour -
Margins were clear.
Immunotherapy is nothing like chemo.
Did they test you for PDL1 ?


My Oncologist says my tumor has not been tested for PD-L1. The role for PD-L1 is in patients with metastatic disease where it can determine whether you should get immunotherapy. Mine has not metastasized. The indication after surgery is for all patients to receive immunotherapy.


My Oncologist says my tumor has not been tested for PD-L1. The role for PD-L1 is in patients with metastatic disease where it can determine whether you should get immunotherapy. Mine has not metastasized. The indication after surgery is for all patients to receive immunotherapy.

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You had great surgical results, congratulations. I just finished 2 1/4 years of a PDL1 inhibitor for metastatic SCC originating in my ear ,and mets ( over the course of 10 years) in lung, muscle, kidney and lymph nodes. I was on Libtayo, not Opdiva. The most prominent side effect for me was tiredness, but also a change in appetite and the taste of food. That is slowly improving having been off infusions for 5 months. My tumor did test high for PD1/L1 which helped to make the decision for using Libtayo. Immunotherapy should not be taken lightly, as very serious side effects can occur. My husband was on Keytruda, another PDL1 blocker, for 5 months and he is now hypothyroid from immune system attacking his thyroid. Make sure you discuss all the side effects before starting treatment. Luckily for me I had a great response from the drug and it was worth all the minimal side effects. Best of luck to you zzonner.


You had great surgical results, congratulations. I just finished 2 1/4 years of a PDL1 inhibitor for metastatic SCC originating in my ear ,and mets ( over the course of 10 years) in lung, muscle, kidney and lymph nodes. I was on Libtayo, not Opdiva. The most prominent side effect for me was tiredness, but also a change in appetite and the taste of food. That is slowly improving having been off infusions for 5 months. My tumor did test high for PD1/L1 which helped to make the decision for using Libtayo. Immunotherapy should not be taken lightly, as very serious side effects can occur. My husband was on Keytruda, another PDL1 blocker, for 5 months and he is now hypothyroid from immune system attacking his thyroid. Make sure you discuss all the side effects before starting treatment. Luckily for me I had a great response from the drug and it was worth all the minimal side effects. Best of luck to you zzonner.

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Interesting, so you did not have esophageal cancer to start with... as I've never seen Libtayo used for us EC patients. Incredible the results you've seen with the Mets you had. Keep on winning!



I was diagnosed T2N0 October 4, 2023. Had 28 radiations and 6 chemo infusions from beginning of November to middle of December. Had Esophagogastrectomy Feb 5, 2024. Was home discharged and home the evening of Feb 9. Only lost 8 lbs and have maintained my weight from day 9 after surgery to now. I’m up to 7500 steps a day and eating pretty much what I want in very small amounts. The only time J Tube was used was the 3 days in hospital. I’m younger all things considered (52) so that helps. But the number one thing that has me just about completely back to life as usual in 4 weeks from surgery is attitude and effort. I hope anyone struggling takes that to heart and understands the value.

That said, I started the Opdivo immunotherapy last Thursday and wanted to see how others felt the first week after first infusion.


For the first few months I had half the dose every two weeks but noticed no side effects. Be well….


I was diagnosed T2N0 October 4, 2023. Had 28 radiations and 6 chemo infusions from beginning of November to middle of December. Had Esophagogastrectomy Feb 5, 2024. Was home discharged and home the evening of Feb 9. Only lost 8 lbs and have maintained my weight from day 9 after surgery to now. I’m up to 7500 steps a day and eating pretty much what I want in very small amounts. The only time J Tube was used was the 3 days in hospital. I’m younger all things considered (52) so that helps. But the number one thing that has me just about completely back to life as usual in 4 weeks from surgery is attitude and effort. I hope anyone struggling takes that to heart and understands the value.

That said, I started the Opdivo immunotherapy last Thursday and wanted to see how others felt the first week after first infusion.

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I did chemo/radiation and surgery August 1, 2023 at Mayo Phoenix and am halfway done with the Opdivo regimen, starting the once a month infusion after 6 months of twice a month. No real side effects except for some joint ache in my legs, probably some arthritis from old football injuries. Doctors are keeping an eye on my thyroid levels. Immunotherapy can make your thyroid lazy. I just turned 70 and had a fairly easy time with all the treatment plans as well. Good luck and stay active.

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