Any pre-injection tips for Tymlos?

Posted by esb13 @esb13, May 20, 2024

About to start Tymlos on Thursday. I know with Reclast a drink of water and 2 Tylenol before the infusion was helpful for absorption, side effects. Any similar pre injection tips from those who have been using Tymlos? Has anyone tried meclizine or another anti-vertigo drug to help with dizziness/nausea as body gets used to Tymlos?
Also - seeing here women talking about gaining weight and bloating on Tymlos - I haven't heard about this any where else. How bad is that? Being treated at a Boston Teaching Hospital and welcome this online community!

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Tymlos dilates your blood vessels very quickly after injection. And so drops your blood pressure. It starts to resolve as soon as it begins and lasts about four hours. Salt constricts your blood vessels, so there's an excuse to eat a liitle something salty, before injection. The glass of water will increase the volume of your bloodstream, lessening the blood pressure drop.
Reduced pressure in your vessels can cause headaches, rapid heartbeat, dizziness and/or nausea.
Best to take the injection seated in case of dizziness. Take care for your balance especially in the first week while you assess your reaction.
I hope you have a good experience with this medication. Windyshores has the best advice which can be accessed in full @windyshores


You can try a full dose. I bought a blood pressure cuff and yes my bp dropped. You can drink water and eat something salty, as @gently wrote.

No need for tylenol or meclizine or any premed. I doubt meclizine would evne work.

If the full dose is too much, try 1/2 dose. If a half dose is too much, try 1/4 dose. The pen has clicks that measure the dose and 8 clicks is a full dose. You can also choose to start low (2 clicks). The body seems to adjust over time so you can ramp up to whatever dose you tolerate.

Don't be too scared! Tymlos leaves quickly and you can play around with it in terms of tolerability. It gave me excellent gains!


Thank you!! Having first injection at doctors office per her protocol so I will be in good hands if there is a reaction. Ready to start this journey and so very happy for you that you have had good results!!! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you!! Having first injection at doctors office per her protocol so I will be in good hands if there is a reaction. Ready to start this journey and so very happy for you that you have had good results!!! Thank you for sharing.

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I’m about to end my protocol on Tymlos after 2 years and found that injecting prior to bedtime really helped with any noticeable side effects. I can honestly say that the only side effect that was a bit concerning in the beginning was the increased heart rate but that only lasted about an hour. I did have an occasional headache but again that dissipated pretty quickly. Over the 2 year period, I’ve had occasional nausea, and some bone discomfort but otherwise this journey with Tymlos has been pretty uneventful. I can say that over the past 6 months I’ve noticed a fat gain in my stomach. I’ve always had a little pouch, and as a very active person, that’s been my biggest issue. Several women on this site have experienced the same issue which I hope will resolve when I end Tymlos in July. As of my last Dexa scan in November, bone density in my spine has had an 11% increase. I’m praying that in July, when I have my next scan, the numbers will be even better.
This journey is not an easy one but we have many options and we always hope we’re choosing the right one for our bodies. I would stay on Tymlos if it were possible, but that 2-year limit has me in a place of deciding what’s next. I really hope Tymlos works for you. Rose 🌹


You can try a full dose. I bought a blood pressure cuff and yes my bp dropped. You can drink water and eat something salty, as @gently wrote.

No need for tylenol or meclizine or any premed. I doubt meclizine would evne work.

If the full dose is too much, try 1/2 dose. If a half dose is too much, try 1/4 dose. The pen has clicks that measure the dose and 8 clicks is a full dose. You can also choose to start low (2 clicks). The body seems to adjust over time so you can ramp up to whatever dose you tolerate.

Don't be too scared! Tymlos leaves quickly and you can play around with it in terms of tolerability. It gave me excellent gains!

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windyshores, do you write that there is no premed because the response to Tymlos doesn't seem to be inflammatory?


I’m about to end my protocol on Tymlos after 2 years and found that injecting prior to bedtime really helped with any noticeable side effects. I can honestly say that the only side effect that was a bit concerning in the beginning was the increased heart rate but that only lasted about an hour. I did have an occasional headache but again that dissipated pretty quickly. Over the 2 year period, I’ve had occasional nausea, and some bone discomfort but otherwise this journey with Tymlos has been pretty uneventful. I can say that over the past 6 months I’ve noticed a fat gain in my stomach. I’ve always had a little pouch, and as a very active person, that’s been my biggest issue. Several women on this site have experienced the same issue which I hope will resolve when I end Tymlos in July. As of my last Dexa scan in November, bone density in my spine has had an 11% increase. I’m praying that in July, when I have my next scan, the numbers will be even better.
This journey is not an easy one but we have many options and we always hope we’re choosing the right one for our bodies. I would stay on Tymlos if it were possible, but that 2-year limit has me in a place of deciding what’s next. I really hope Tymlos works for you. Rose 🌹

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Congratulations on completing this long 2 year journey! I hope you continue to get good bone health news in July and beyond. Thank you for sharing your experiences here! Keep us posted as you move on to the next chapter of "lock-in" treatments.


I’ve found drinking water throughout the day and evening helps me a lot.


windyshores, do you write that there is no premed because the response to Tymlos doesn't seem to be inflammatory?

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@gently Tylenol doesn't do harm (mostly), But it won't address low blood pressure or faster heart beat. It might help a headache if that develops. I guess I was just trying to be reassuring more than anything. We need to prepare for some of the other drugs (like Reclast). The main thing with Tymlos seems to be dose!

I switched to morning and did better. Everyone is different. Main message is to be flexible and do whatever works for the individual.


Congratulations on completing this long 2 year journey! I hope you continue to get good bone health news in July and beyond. Thank you for sharing your experiences here! Keep us posted as you move on to the next chapter of "lock-in" treatments.

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Thank you. It’s been a journey that’s for sure but I’m glad I made the decision to go with Tymlos. This next step is going to be a tough one. Praying it turns out to be a positive one as well.


I will be starting Tymlos later this week, and am seeking any suggestions, tips, tricks that anyone would care to share. I am, of course, nervous! So far I think I have read: hydrate well before and eat something a bit salty, watch D3, consider taking it at night so as to sleep through side effects, take at a time I can lay down if necessary after, and the wonderful windy shores method of stepping up the dose if I can’t tolerate the full dose! Oh! And ultra fine needles if the ones I receive initially don’t suite….Anything else? Thanks!

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