Any Good Local Support Groups Around Denver?
I'm having a hell of a time finding an in-person local support group around Denver. Even the oncology social workers I've talked to says they are hard to find since COVID. I'm just not the "help over Zoom" type of guy (even though I spend significant time on that platform for work), I am more about personal connections.
As I work to find a good therapist I would also like to find survivors that I can just sit and talk to in person.
I spent a year in a fog after my first cancer waiting for the other shoe to drop - this year makes 10 years free and clear of that one only to be essentially told "you might be clear of that but guess what - you have a worse one now, congratulations!". It's impacting me really hard and it takes every ounce of my being to keep from falling into the pit again, and I'm not exaggerating, I have to expend actual effort daily. I'm exhausted, and am hopeful that a human touch is what will help me - talking face to face with someone who gets it.
Anyway, that turned into a bit of a rant but if you know of good groups I appreciate the reference.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group. ?
We are excited to start a Southwest Colorado Men’s Cancer Advocacy Group to inspire men to stay connected and avoid isolation during their cancer journey. We have the goal of helping men face cancer together. This group is about easing each other’s burdens, offering mutual support, and encouraging men to continue living fully, despite the challenges of cancer.
Our meet-up will provide a space where participants can both give and receive support from others who understand the struggle. Whether it’s sharing lunch, watching a game together, going on an outing, or simply talking about life, this group fosters connection with an Open Heart and a Warrior Spirit (Trevor Maxwell, Man up to Cancer.) This group is open to Cancer Warriors and their caregivers.
If you’re interested in joining, please contact Phil Campbell at Cancer Support Community Southwest Colorado by emailing him at; or calling 970-403-3711.
Depends on where you are. I don't know anything about Denver. Apart from John Denver.
Thank you for posting that! SW Colorado is too far away for me to participate in that one, Denver is more central Colorado.
Hi, I live in Cheyenne. Maybe we can connect sometime. I had surgery three years ago. It has been a journey and I’m always concerned as after surgery, cancer was confirmed in one lymph node. I’ve monitored this with AS.
I'm sorry that your lymph nodes were caught up in the mess, I hope they got everything cleared up and your testing continues to be negative!
I don't make it to Cheyenne very often, do you make it to Denver often?
Unfortunately, I rarely get to Denver. Good luck with your recovery journey.
I understand your frustration. I can’t believe a city this big has so little in the way of face to face meetings. I have been looking also and no luck even finding a general group in the west side of town. Have you tried the livebyliving website? They have get togethers walks/hikes but have a meeting in edgewater indoors this month.