alternative to Omeprazole?

Posted by brryz @brryz, Mar 23 1:03am

Has anyone healed a stomach lesion with diet or supplements?

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I was put on it for stomach ulcers and get an EGD and colonoscopy done next month to see if their gone. No way I'm using non medical drugs to cure something as important as your stomach.


I tried many things including following the gerd diet perfectly. Omeprazole was the only thing that worked. If I ate very little the stomach acids came up in spite of it. I don't know your exact problem, do you have barrettes esophagus? Have you had gerd for many years? Do you sleep on an incline? Have you needed any Halo's. Gerd is really something you do not want to fool around with for too long. It can be very damaging.


In June I had a fundoplication with a partial mesh implant. That was after 14 years of dealing with gerd. Fixed the problem!!! However, due to family history of esophageal cancer, my Dr. wants me to take Famotidine for a year.


I did Prilosec for a couple of weeks and transitioned to famotidine, then tapered the famotidine. Any of these meds long term cause the body to produce more acid, not less, so getting off becomes a problem. Hope your lesion heals quickly!


Esomeprazol works much better and more effective.


I had to go off the protein pump inhibitors (PPIs) you list because they are a trigger for microscopic colitis. I had been on Nexium daily for years.
My Gastro doc put me on an H2 receptor antagonist instead - Famitodine 20mg. Brand name Pepcid. But generic is fine. It took a while and I took it twice a day during that adjustment. But now most days I just need the one in the morning.


Not sure if I have any lesions but I had terrible stomach issues from "nutcracker indigestion", to gagging and if you look at me wrong my stomach gets messed up.
Only thing helped me was AloeVera gel caps and probiotics. I still get the occasional heartburn, and indigestion but nothing like before.


I was given famotidine to help me get over the damage pain meds did to my stomach. It is improving but still feel a tad nauseous, although I can eat. No pains. Am wondering how long it will take to feel 100%.


I was given famotidine to help me get over the damage pain meds did to my stomach. It is improving but still feel a tad nauseous, although I can eat. No pains. Am wondering how long it will take to feel 100%.

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I’m not sure I know what 100% is anymore but in terms of heartburn and reflux, it took about 4mos for Famotidine to be effective as Nexium. I can overpower Famotidine if I eat stupidly. But I try not to do that.


I was also given a script for a PPI which I decided I wasn't going to take. The side effects of that drug were too scary for me. I think the Famotidine is working, so I will just stick with it. Have you had any side effects from Nexium??

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