Adult Life after a Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by Dawn Pereda @dawnpereda, Sep 27, 2017

Hi, My name is Dawn and I am an RN. Just over two years ago I received a work related injury. This injury has left me with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even though two years have passed, I still suffer with lingering tbi symptoms. I have some issues with memory. Some things I remember with no problems, other things I just don't remember and I can't explain why... I also suffer with issues related to mood dis-regulation. I can be angry at times and not understand why or end up having explosive outbursts. This has greatly impacted my life. I still work but no longer with patients. Also, this has been a huge turn around for my family. I'm no longer the mom who has everything under control. I used to work full time, manage my kids' schedules, pay household bills, and keep my house clean. Now I struggle to remember to brush my hair before leaving for work. My husband pays the bills and my kids write their schedules on a large calendar (that hangs in our dining room) so I can visually be reminded where they are and what they are doing. I am a "new" me and I never would have imagined this journey for myself.

I know there are things out there for youth that suffer from concussion/tbi, but I don't always find a lot of discussion/support for adults, like myself. I get up every day and work to live my life to its fullest. If you would like to know more about my life and journey, you can listen to a podcast that I did with my family. Its called "Terrible, Thanks For Asking". We're season 1, episode 5. Its brutally honest. If any of this rings true to your life please join this discussion with me. Thanks for your time!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group.


Hi! I don't know why it took so long to think of coming to a chat with my questions. I do it in other areas of my life. I am writing because my son finds it difficult to put these questions into words. My son is 45 years old. He was thrown from the back of a jeep when he was 16 and incurred a closed head injury. He did not receive a great deal of medical care other than diagnosis and tests related to that diagnosis. No one suggested follow-up therapy, etc. He has problems with his short term memory, cannot follow conversations with quick give and take or follow verbal directions but very good with hands on tasks. He does have explosive rage which is much reduced in a calm and regulated environment. But my question is about a physical phenomena that happens periodically. When under stress the area where his head hit during the accident will swell and become sore to the touch. My son will get a bad headache on that side of his head, he will feel a strong pressure behind his eye on that side and the veins, etc. will bulge out in the subject area. He does not have insurance for testing, etc. Does anyone have experience with this happening to them and what do you do about it. Also, I wonder if he would be eligible for medicaid due to the multiple impacts on his body and in his ability to gain employment that will support him. He does work but certainly is not able to handle complex tasks or multi=task outside of his specific functions. Any feedback is appreciated.

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Hi, @anncgrl - I moved your post to this discussion so you can read what others have said on life after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and talk with those who have had similar experiences. Click VIEW & REPLY in your email notification to get to your post.

About your question regarding whether your son would be eligible for Medicaid, this government page may provide some useful information

I thought @jakedduck1 @dawnpereda @lakelifelady and others here may be able to offer you support as you search for answers on the swelling and soreness your adult son has in the area where he suffered the hit when he's under stress. Hoping they can let you know if they've seen this kind of phenomena in themselves or others. @etadams has also mentioned having an adult son with a TBI. @oceanfun1 mentioned suffering from TBI-related emotional outbursts that reminded me of what you talked about with your son's emotional responses at times.

You mentioned your son's explosive rage is much reduced in a calm and regulated environment. What does he do or do you do to promote that kind of environment for him?


Hi! I don't know why it took so long to think of coming to a chat with my questions. I do it in other areas of my life. I am writing because my son finds it difficult to put these questions into words. My son is 45 years old. He was thrown from the back of a jeep when he was 16 and incurred a closed head injury. He did not receive a great deal of medical care other than diagnosis and tests related to that diagnosis. No one suggested follow-up therapy, etc. He has problems with his short term memory, cannot follow conversations with quick give and take or follow verbal directions but very good with hands on tasks. He does have explosive rage which is much reduced in a calm and regulated environment. But my question is about a physical phenomena that happens periodically. When under stress the area where his head hit during the accident will swell and become sore to the touch. My son will get a bad headache on that side of his head, he will feel a strong pressure behind his eye on that side and the veins, etc. will bulge out in the subject area. He does not have insurance for testing, etc. Does anyone have experience with this happening to them and what do you do about it. Also, I wonder if he would be eligible for medicaid due to the multiple impacts on his body and in his ability to gain employment that will support him. He does work but certainly is not able to handle complex tasks or multi=task outside of his specific functions. Any feedback is appreciated.


Hi.... Was wondering if I could get some advice.... ? My husband fell last year and now lives with a tbi... He's refusing any kind of therapy... He falls all the time... I'm hurting myself picking him up... Isn't that self neglect.. ? I was told to get guardianship which will make him very mad.. Should I do that... ?! he needs therapy


where do I get light therapy ?

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Are you talking about laser light therapy for pain control? What are you trying to accomplish?



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where do I get light therapy ?


I don’t know if my symptoms are from the TBI or the cyst

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Hello "@neet",
I wanted to say hi and see how your doing. I am often amazed at the after affects of a head injury. They can be far more complicated that a person realizes. I'm hoping you have found some answers and some peace. Please keep us updated.
Thanks, Dawn


Thanks for the additional information, @neet. I moved your discussion and combined it with this discussion, "Adult Life After a TBI." I did this so you could meet members here who've experienced TBI in themselves or a loved one, like @dawnpereda @lakelifelady @oceanfun1 @etadams @david33 @treyaj. I'd also like you to meet @johnbishop. Hoping they can provide some support as you continue with your recovery from the TBI last June with the fractures, bleeds and loss of smell, then the arachnoid cyst that was seen on MRI in May.

You also may be interested in looking at this Connect discussion on arachnoid cyst

Have you experienced symptoms from the arachnoid cyst, @neet?

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I don’t know if my symptoms are from the TBI or the cyst


Hi @neet, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @lisalucier and other members. I did find a few articles on head injuries and arachnoid cysts but I'm not sure if you've seen them or if they are helpful.

PubMed - Sport-related structural brain injury associated with arachnoid cysts: a systematic review and quantitative analysis.

Haemorrhage into an arachnoid cyst: a serious complication of minor head trauma

National Organization for Rare Disorders - Arachnoid Cysts


I had a TBI last year June 24th. Multiple skull fractures and bleeds. Loss my ability to smell. That has been more depressing than the physical injuries. I had a MRI in May. That is when the arachnoid cyst was seen. It had not been noted on CT scans previously. I also have MS. This has been a rough year. I just need to know more about the cyst. Can not find a lot on on internet about those acquired from head injury. Thanks

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Thanks for the additional information, @neet. I moved your discussion and combined it with this discussion, "Adult Life After a TBI." I did this so you could meet members here who've experienced TBI in themselves or a loved one, like @dawnpereda @lakelifelady @oceanfun1 @etadams @david33 @treyaj. I'd also like you to meet @johnbishop. Hoping they can provide some support as you continue with your recovery from the TBI last June with the fractures, bleeds and loss of smell, then the arachnoid cyst that was seen on MRI in May.

You also may be interested in looking at this Connect discussion on arachnoid cyst

Have you experienced symptoms from the arachnoid cyst, @neet?


Hi, @neet - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Just for a little more background so members can be helpful to you, will you share a little of your (or your loved one's) story with traumatic brain injury (TBI)? When was the arachnoid cyst discovered?

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I had a TBI last year June 24th. Multiple skull fractures and bleeds. Loss my ability to smell. That has been more depressing than the physical injuries. I had a MRI in May. That is when the arachnoid cyst was seen. It had not been noted on CT scans previously. I also have MS. This has been a rough year. I just need to know more about the cyst. Can not find a lot on on internet about those acquired from head injury. Thanks

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