Adult Life after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Hi, My name is Dawn and I am an RN. Just over two years ago I received a work related injury. This injury has left me with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even though two years have passed, I still suffer with lingering tbi symptoms. I have some issues with memory. Some things I remember with no problems, other things I just don't remember and I can't explain why... I also suffer with issues related to mood dis-regulation. I can be angry at times and not understand why or end up having explosive outbursts. This has greatly impacted my life. I still work but no longer with patients. Also, this has been a huge turn around for my family. I'm no longer the mom who has everything under control. I used to work full time, manage my kids' schedules, pay household bills, and keep my house clean. Now I struggle to remember to brush my hair before leaving for work. My husband pays the bills and my kids write their schedules on a large calendar (that hangs in our dining room) so I can visually be reminded where they are and what they are doing. I am a "new" me and I never would have imagined this journey for myself.
I know there are things out there for youth that suffer from concussion/tbi, but I don't always find a lot of discussion/support for adults, like myself. I get up every day and work to live my life to its fullest. If you would like to know more about my life and journey, you can listen to a podcast that I did with my family. Its called "Terrible, Thanks For Asking". We're season 1, episode 5. Its brutally honest. If any of this rings true to your life please join this discussion with me. Thanks for your time!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group.
@jillyanne, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I see this is your first post. Do you live with a brain injury or care for someone with TBI? What's your brain injury story?
I promote a calm and regulated environment for my son by listening when he rants without comment, going over information with him slowly and with as little hype as possible, making lists rather than anticipating he will remember, encouraging him quietly. I find overstimulatoon to be the key trigger. His tolerance is low and he is easily confused which leads to angry outbursts. It has taken me a long time to recognize my part in our interactions. I have adult ADHD and a quick wit. My form of communication feels like an attack to my son. He is often accusatory and irrational when ranting. I stopped taking it personal, accepted that I cannot have communication with him in a natural way. Of course he has the rest of the world.... ! This is not perfect but it helps.
So sorry, understand.
Hi @caroleeuits, you'll notice that I moved your post about traumatic brain injury to this existing discussion. I did this so that you can connect with @dawnpereda @kw1904861 @treyaj @lakelifelady @oceanfun1 @micekja @willbc and others. Click VIEW & REPLY to scroll through the past messages.
I'm so sorry to hear that you had a new head injury this past April. That in itself is frustrating enough. I'm sure others here will relate to the "false depression," anger and short attention span symptoms that you're experiencing.
One of my go-to TBI resources is the Brain Injury Association of America:
Does reading your past posts in your profile help to lift your spirits and will? See here: I find them very encouraging and am confident you can get back to that place, espcially with the support of other members here. What do you think?
Since I had one which took 2 1/2 years of therapies 5 days a week, all day ( sure nothing like that now, due to changes in health insurance to the worse) - I have alot of lessons which, if I remember them, help me now. The biggest that relates to this blog is what I call "false depression". The chemicals in my brain hijack my true feelings. Not a thought can be negative etc - BUT I feel depressed, angry, and on edge while having a very short attention span. The new accident happened in April - and still no therapies. I feel in a body-mind cage. Does anyone know any good resources for TBI - probably " mild-moderate" from a dr. view - but for me, the world has caved in - with no lifeboats anywhere. Know any resources? Thanks.
Welcome dear @carnes, so sorry to hear about your suffering , as you say it's very frustrating when you can't find the right words or even say the things that you mean to yet another set of words come tumbling from your mouth , I've had head injury and living from side effects , sometimes people just act weird around you or think you have been drinking , yet you don't wish to explain every single time especially when it's to people should know better. Like doctors or friends . I've found those that called themselves friends can't think about how to support you through this difficult time, ain't worth your time or worries about them. Here your find dear precious ones that understand some of what you are dealing with, we either living with similar issues or support and or support precious family going through things like you, ( I've lost my dearest precious little sis lately and she was dealing with brain tumour and my son too she sadly didn't realize how poorly she was, or maybe it was a blessing she did not have to suffer long illness. Can't get my head around it let alone my heart, friends try to comfort but they don't understand ) my dearest precious beautiful Son has learnt to train others even with his traumatic brain injury, he changed his lifestyle ginger root dandelion root and Burdock turmeric coconut oil alkaline his system got off all medicine he trains natural resources antibiotics from silver to turmeric ginger they help you regain strength and recovery from some many things heal build your precious immune system along with stronger ,clear brain and thinking... Hope this helps you. Keep smiling. Your stronger than you think . Kind regards swift HUG from England. Carrot juice and bananas / paw paw fruit and pineapple juice or fresh add turmeric ginger root or cinnamon and chillies blueberries or green smoothie bananas and spinach ,cauliflower , honey and any vegetables you enjoy carrot juice just before meals just small glass it's amazing energy you find from eating free from process food and especially wheat your find what suits your system best enjoy also butternut squash soups stew we make home made add i little chillies, sea salt just tiny bit, and cinnamon and ginger power if you don't have root , enjoy ginger tea too with lemon and honey or turmeric up to you .
Hi, @carnes - since you mentioned having a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in your post, I've moved it here to a discussion with many members talking about TBI. They may have similar experiences to share related to losing executive and organizational skills, and having to search to find the right word.
Please meet @swift @anncgrl @dawnpereda @cathy514 @jenniferhunter and others.
What age level or subjects are you teaching, @carnes?
I have loose leaf books piled up and when I need info I don't know where I wrote it. My organizational executive skills are gone!! Really difficult. Besideforgetting my point I was trying to make or get across to someone. I am grateful for many things. Can't find the right word for exactly what I'm trying to say most of the time. It's frustrating because I'm suppose to be teaching. Sharon C
Hi so sorry for your accident left you this way , i understand somewhat , both my son who is now in his 30's and myself suffer from head injury his was when he was young lad ,he was at the park and some teenagers were showing off with some girls that visit uk in summer anyway cut long story, short he has outbursts he didn't understand for long time why because before his accident he was happy kind and lovely lad ( he still is to his mum ) other people that don't understand why it can be hard for them to understand you, and what your going through. Sometimes he would just not handle work issues, other times he would just train at the gym his training helps him alot especially now... he understands better why this happens your head injury effects your patience because that is where in your brain injury to do with processing . Our Precious brains can handle alot. He has changed his lifestyle we always trying to find ways to help balance between training and his calm down time i message him positive thinking and walk when he can't take sounds/ noise can sometimes set his anger off or when he and i can't talk ,we find calm place to walk or be , hope this helps you, your issues better, to understand is half the battle, and maybe that can help your precious family to be patient with you , fresh nutrition helps( he studied to be sports nutritionist help him focus on others, calm heart is a happy one so we keep smiling.
tc kind regards swift Hug from England
@anncgrl My dad had a traumatic brain injury and skull fracture at age 64. Although he improved, he was never the same, and he also had the explosive rage events or would get emotional and cry, so I know how this changes a family.
My first thoughts about your son are to check his blood pressure. You can buy a good cuff for that and check at different times of the day. If he has a rage episode, try to check after that. Doctors recommend that normal resting blood pressure should be under 120 over 80. If he has high blood pressure at rest, it may be getting dangerously high when he is upset. Blood pressure medicine can be pretty inexpensive. A family friend of ours lost his wife to a sudden stroke, and that stroke occurred at the site of a head injury when she had bumped her head a couple months earlier. It makes me wonder if the trauma all those years ago damaged or weakened blood vessels, and getting angry raises blood pressure. There can also be weakness or bulging blood vessels. All of that needs an evaluation by doctors. I have no knowledge of Medicaid or how that works, but you need to try for it. You might also call a medical center and ask if they have programs to help those in need who can not pay, and how you can apply for assistance. Your town's village hall may be able to recommend agencies that could help.
Here are some links about blood pressure, strokes and aneurysms