Adult Life after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Hi, My name is Dawn and I am an RN. Just over two years ago I received a work related injury. This injury has left me with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even though two years have passed, I still suffer with lingering tbi symptoms. I have some issues with memory. Some things I remember with no problems, other things I just don't remember and I can't explain why... I also suffer with issues related to mood dis-regulation. I can be angry at times and not understand why or end up having explosive outbursts. This has greatly impacted my life. I still work but no longer with patients. Also, this has been a huge turn around for my family. I'm no longer the mom who has everything under control. I used to work full time, manage my kids' schedules, pay household bills, and keep my house clean. Now I struggle to remember to brush my hair before leaving for work. My husband pays the bills and my kids write their schedules on a large calendar (that hangs in our dining room) so I can visually be reminded where they are and what they are doing. I am a "new" me and I never would have imagined this journey for myself.
I know there are things out there for youth that suffer from concussion/tbi, but I don't always find a lot of discussion/support for adults, like myself. I get up every day and work to live my life to its fullest. If you would like to know more about my life and journey, you can listen to a podcast that I did with my family. Its called "Terrible, Thanks For Asking". We're season 1, episode 5. Its brutally honest. If any of this rings true to your life please join this discussion with me. Thanks for your time!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group.
You honor me! Thank you for appreciating my words. I have two teenagers and find that my words often fall of deaf ears!!!
Yes, I agree that our RN behaviors can take over at times! I appreciate your support as well. This is such a difficult process. I know some days are better, and I think "I've got this beat". And then there's other days where I feel like I've taken steps back. I just keep trying to move forward and try to stay positive. Hang in there!
@dawnpereda I love your statement “day by day, it’s a new path. Keep looking forward”. If you’re OK, I might write it out and post it around my house!
My losses become worse when I am tired, hungry, and anxious too. If too much is happening I get anxious and exhausted. The anxiety makes it really difficult to rest. I just keep walking around. Walking around outside helps, if I remember to go out! "Pushing forward too hard is a problem for me too at times. We are both RNs, I think that is a nurse related behavior. When I hear myself use the wrong word, (at first I didnt even hear it) I work with immediately correcting it and relating it in someway to what I was trying to say. I correct it with emotion and emphatic energy and with the correct word. Somewhere I read that increased emotion with the correct word, reprograms the brain. It has helped slowly. Thank you Dawn for your support. You are so therapeutic! I love getting to know you!!
Day by day it's a new path. Keep looking forward!
You have had such a life changing experience. I can relate! Those naps are so important!! Thank you for sharing your docs info. Perhaps he can help others. Keep taking life one day at a time!
Great post! I'm glad you found us and so glad that you are sharing. The brain puzzles sound like a great idea.
I love your positivity and your selection of songs! Very fitting for this group!
Bravo! I'm so glad that you are seeing that your life DOES matter! Choosing love is always the best path!
You bring up some very good points. Faith is so important. Finding a medication that can help is great also. I'm so glad you found us and glad that you shared. I feel that by sharing, we strengthen on another.