Adrenal crisis without cause

Posted by marciron @marciron, Feb 22, 2018

I have addison disease for 8 years. I am now 36 and I had a bad hip pain 2 nights ago and I wasn't feeling great so I took an extra 20mg of cortef (hydrocortisone) by tablet.

About two hours after I surprisingly went in an adrenal crisis. I had a hard time breathing and then I passed out for over 5 minutes with some kind of seizure. My wife called 911 and gave me the injection of hydrocortisone. When I woke up I had lost my vision in my left eye for about 10 minutes.

I went to the hospital where they gave me hydrocortisone intravenously and did some blood work then I was feeling ok so I came back home. My hip area was also back to normal.

Do any of you have an idea why I had a crisis? Now I am worry to go in crisis anywhere. I have some unexplained leg pain and fatigue for about 5 years.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Diabetes & Endocrine System Support Group.

Welcome to Connect, @marciron. Your experience must have been quite scary! We have a few Connect members who've written about Addison's disease, and they may be able to share more about their experiences. Please meet @judy5140 @pagray24 @spice @jasonkwellls @dogmamat; you can read much of their conversations in these discussions:
– Tired of being tired
– Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency

@marciron, we look forward to getting to know you. What are your biggest concerns at the moment?

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