Abdominal Pain not GI related

Posted by robinkay6573 @robinkay6573, Apr 1, 2022

I am at a loss and still in pain. Back in July I started to have nausea and abdominal pain. At that point it was sporadic. I went to my PCP and after an ultrasound showed I had stones in my gallbladder it was suggested that I get it removed. A general surgeon took out my gallbladder in late August. After a few weeks the symptoms came back....nausea and pain in RUQ. The general surgeon sent me to a GI doctor. As time went on it got worse at this point it is so bad if I stand up straight or bend at all it is very painful and the stabbing pain spikes from maybe 2 or 3 on the pain scale to 6 or 7. Enough that I need to take a second to collect myself. I have had 2 CT scans, 2 ultrasounds, an MRCP, bloodwork (multiple draws), an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Everything has been normal. Yesterday I ended up in the ER because I couldn't catch my breath and had to sit down at work for the pain to subside. My GI doctor sent me back to my PCP....who is sending me BACK to the general surgeon. I can't deal with this anymore and I can't take anymore time off work.

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Welcome @robinkay6573, I'm sorry to hear the gall bladder surgery didn't take care of the pain. The symptoms you describe sound a lot like Postcholecystectomy Syndrome. "Post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS) is the term used to describe the persistence of biliary colic or right upper quadrant abdominal pain ..." --- Postcholecystectomy Syndrome: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539902/

Have you thought about getting a second opinion or seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic? If you would like to seek help from Mayo Clinic, contact one of the appointment offices. The contact information for Minnesota, Arizona and Florida can be found here http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63.

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