Abbott SCS error - generator could not deliver the desired strength
Hi. I'm two weeks post-op from implanting Abbott's new Eterna SCS. While adjusting my device with the patient controller, I was unable to set the program strength. Instead, I received an error message stating that "The generator could not deliver the desired strength. Contact your clinician if the problem persists." It reset itself to a strength of 1.
I reached out to my device rep and am waiting for a response. Hopefully we can meet this week to check device functionality and reprogram if necessary. I searched the web and found the same error message in both Abbott and St Jude troubleshooting guides, but with no fix mentioned other than to contact your doctor.
Has anyone else seen this error before? How was it resolved?
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I'll answer my own question in case anyone else experiences this in the future. This was quickly resolved by the Abbott rep with a programming change.
My wife is having the same issue is there anyway you could tell us what the dr did exactly to fix it bc our dr and support team doesn’t have a clue what they need to do to fix it
You don't need the doctor to fix this. You need the Abbott device rep. My rep had seen this before and knew exactly what to do. It was a simple programming change. I believe he may have needed to turn off one electrode but I am not 100% certain about that. If your wife has more than one program set up she should try the others. When this happened to me, I was able to use an alternate program until the rep reprogrammed my normal program.