A sweet story from my past

Posted by Scott R L @scottrl, Jun 11 2:26pm

I've had a weird life. But some of the weirdness has been nice.

During my college days, I had to take an overnight bus trip to Chicago. At one stop, a mother and her two young children (maybe 8 and 6) climbed on board. The mother sat next to me, and the kids in the seats in front of us.

A couple hours later, pretty late in the evening, most people were asleep (including the mother next to me), but I was awake and hungry. I took out a baggie of cookies that a friend's mom had made for me. As I was eating the first one, I saw two eyes peeking at me from the row ahead. It was the little boy, of course. He smiled at me; I smiled back. Then I reached into the baggie, took out a cookie, and handed it to him.

He smiled, then looked at the cookie. To my eternal surprise, he broke the cookie in two and handed half to his little sister.

I was so touched by that unselfish act that naturally I gave him another cookie, which he again shared. That mom raised her kids right!

I fell asleep shortly thereafter; when I woke up in Chicago, the mother was sleeping on my shoulder (I have very broad shoulders). We were both a little embarrassed at that.

That was about 40 years ago. I hope those kids grew up to be great adults!

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Thank you big time for sharing. The news is always full of downer news. This is a very nice and a good feel story. Lifted me up and I shared with my wife who also thought was very nice. Best to all.


Thank you big time for sharing. The news is always full of downer news. This is a very nice and a good feel story. Lifted me up and I shared with my wife who also thought was very nice. Best to all.

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Thank you, Steve.

Something triggered this memory, and the recollection made me smile. I thought I'd share it.

I'm glad to know others find it worthwhile.


Thank you, Steve.

Something triggered this memory, and the recollection made me smile. I thought I'd share it.

I'm glad to know others find it worthwhile.

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Made me smile too Scott as I met my wife on a Greyhound bus almost 60 years ago. Thanks for sharing!

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