4 treatment options from my doctor, which one should I start with?

Posted by jlu @jlu, May 8, 2023

Here is the summary of my situation. I am 63 years man with a history of a chest mass in 2019 found to be a thymic neuroendocrine tumor (atypical carcinoid, 10 x 10 cm) with invasion into the pericardium. I was initially treated with thymectomy, and did well until recently when metastatic Dotatate avid disease was found in the mediastinum, anterior right hilum and extensively in the bones. A CT guided biopsy of an iliac bone lesion was consistent with metastatic, well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (WHO grade 2). I have been treated for 5 courses of radiation to the right scapula and the C2 vertebral body through early May 2, 2023.

Unfortunately, I was told that with thymic NETs I am ineligible for the clinical trial study.

My doctor has proposed 4 treatment options for my consideration,
Option 1. To start octreotide injections and repeat a dotatate PET scan in 3 months;
Option 2. Everolimus, this medicine is approved for carcinoid but probably has the most side effects of the options;
Option 3. Chemotherapy with temozolomide and capecitabine which is a standard option for GI carcinoid tumors and can be used for thymic;
Option 4. Lutathera as a standard therapy if my insurance would give a prior authorization.

Any comment or experience about treatments would be greatly appreciated.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.


My husband has been diagnosed with mixed esophagus adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma, since it’s a rare cancer would appreciate suggestions as far as treatment.

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Hello @snowflake0731 and welcome to the NETs support group on Mayo Connect. I am pleased to see that you are seeking support and encouragement as you begin this NETs journey.

I see that @jlu has already replied to you about her experience. She made an important point about seeing a NET specialist. As this is a rare type of cancer, a general oncologist may not have the specific training and experience in treating NETs. Getting a consultation with a NET specialist early-on in the diagnosis is invaluable. There are good NET specialists at all of the Mayo facilities (here is a link with appointment information http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63). If for any reason you are not able to consult at Mayo, here is a list of NET specialists (world-wide), https://www.carcinoid.org/for-patients/treatment/find-a-doctor/

If you care to share more, please share a bit about how your husband's diagnosis came about. Was he having symptoms that led to scans and a diagnosis? How is he feeling? Will you post again and share as you are able?


I was diagnosed at University of Virginia Cancer Center, then consulted Johns Hopkins Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for treatment recommendations. Combined all opinions, I started with Lutathera therapy. Everyone is different. I would suggest at least one consultation from other NET experts.

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Thank you for your feedback. We are waiting for his oncologist to give us options. His cancer is stage 1.


My husband has been diagnosed with mixed esophagus adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma, since it’s a rare cancer would appreciate suggestions as far as treatment.

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I was diagnosed at University of Virginia Cancer Center, then consulted Johns Hopkins Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for treatment recommendations. Combined all opinions, I started with Lutathera therapy. Everyone is different. I would suggest at least one consultation from other NET experts.


My husband has been diagnosed with mixed esophagus adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma, since it’s a rare cancer would appreciate suggestions as far as treatment.


Hi, Jul,
I have exactly same disease you have, any updates from your treatment? What drugs do you use?

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Sorry to hear about that. I just had my 3rd Lutathera (Lu-177 oxodotreotide) therapy today. Other than that, I haven't used any other medicines. To me it seems the treatment has taken an effect, which has been reducing my bone pain.


Hi, Jul,
I have exactly same disease you have, any updates from your treatment? What drugs do you use?


Thank you so much for posting your experience! Very helpful.

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Hello @qmf,

As it's been a while since you last posted, I was wondering how you are doing. Will you post an update when it's convenient for you?


His last treatment is in Dec. The scan won't be don't until next year sometime. Possibly 4 to 6 months out from last treatment. So, April to June of next year. Maybe later. With only one treatment and having 3 more to go thru anything can happen between now and then. This treatment can affect many different things that could lower the amount of radiation or cancel the treatment all together. I'm hoping that won't happen. He went to the dr this week for his Octreatide shot (he gets it in between the Lutathera) and the labs all looked good. Yay! Next treatment is in 4 weeks. Just praying this all works well and he gets back to just the shot with no ill affects from the Lutathera.

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Thanks for clarifying the treatment plan, @sandy23. You must have both been pleased that his last lab results were good. I hope that his next treatment also goes well for him.

Keep posting updates and questions as they come to you. I know that this is quite a journey that is best shared with others on the same path!



From what I understand, your husband has had one Lutathera treatment. Then a scan will be done to see if he has stabilized. Is that the case?

How long do you have to wait until the scan is done? Is it scheduled already? Wishing you patience as you go through this process.

Keep in touch!

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His last treatment is in Dec. The scan won't be don't until next year sometime. Possibly 4 to 6 months out from last treatment. So, April to June of next year. Maybe later. With only one treatment and having 3 more to go thru anything can happen between now and then. This treatment can affect many different things that could lower the amount of radiation or cancel the treatment all together. I'm hoping that won't happen. He went to the dr this week for his Octreatide shot (he gets it in between the Lutathera) and the labs all looked good. Yay! Next treatment is in 4 weeks. Just praying this all works well and he gets back to just the shot with no ill affects from the Lutathera.


My hubs was diagnosed in 2019 with an intestinal blockage. Surgery revealed he had the NET that originated in his intestines with an outside lymph node that was positive. After a dotatate pet scan it revealed it had Metairie to the liver. Stage 4. He was stable with the Octreatide (Sandostatin) shot until Oct of 2022 pet scan. That showed that the tumors had grown and spread in the liver. Surgery for the liver was in Feb of 2023. Of the 9 samples, 7 plus the gallbladder bladder were positive for cancer. He removed the gallbladder and then it was discussed and decided to start the Lutathera treatment. This was to get him back on a stable basis with just the shot. He has only had 1 treatment of 4. Then we wait for months after that to do another scan to see if that worked. Praying it does.

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From what I understand, your husband has had one Lutathera treatment. Then a scan will be done to see if he has stabilized. Is that the case?

How long do you have to wait until the scan is done? Is it scheduled already? Wishing you patience as you go through this process.

Keep in touch!

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