How do you cope with emotional and physical problems after 3 TKA's

Posted by maraglenn02 @maraglenn02, Mar 10, 2022

I've had 3 TKA on the same knee. The last one was in 2018, but I am having Constance pain, locking, swelling, bruising and fever. I am being told everything is good but it's not. This is causing me so much depression and hopelessness.

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Good evening @maraglenn02, Welcome to Connect. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for every member. Would you help me understand the reasoning behind the 3 TKR surgeries? Did you have a MUA? Or something else? The symptoms you are coping with right now can be very unsettling. How long was it between the first, second, and third surgeries? What diagnosis were you given? How was the recovery? Did you work with a physical therapist at any point? And finally, have you ever heard of MFR....myofascial release therapy. When my first TKR acted up after a few years, I was referred to my TKR therapist. It took a few weeks before she was able to help me get rid of those kinds of symptoms.

I really need a few more details about your surgeries before I can perhaps be of some help. In the meantime what are you doing to combat your depression and hopelessness?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Know you ar e not the only one . I have been thru 2TKR on the same leg then followed by 15 procedures to get me out of pain and swelling always been told nothing is wrong. This has been going on since 1st TKR in 2018 but I will not give in and I keep searching for an answer. Through being in touch with people on this wonderful blog and reading and ' practicing what I read' in the book ' MANAGE PAIN BEFORE IT MANAGES YOU' I have been able to take back my life , to a degree, not letting pain win. THERE IS HOPE OUT THERE , TURN OVER EVERY ROCK . THE PAIN MAY BE THERE BUT IT DOES NOT HAVE TO DEFINE WHO YOU ARE . YOU ARE YOU,, FIND WHAT YOU LIKE AND DO IT!! KEEP SERCHING PAIN DOES NOT GET TOO WIN


Know you ar e not the only one . I have been thru 2TKR on the same leg then followed by 15 procedures to get me out of pain and swelling always been told nothing is wrong. This has been going on since 1st TKR in 2018 but I will not give in and I keep searching for an answer. Through being in touch with people on this wonderful blog and reading and ' practicing what I read' in the book ' MANAGE PAIN BEFORE IT MANAGES YOU' I have been able to take back my life , to a degree, not letting pain win. THERE IS HOPE OUT THERE , TURN OVER EVERY ROCK . THE PAIN MAY BE THERE BUT IT DOES NOT HAVE TO DEFINE WHO YOU ARE . YOU ARE YOU,, FIND WHAT YOU LIKE AND DO IT!! KEEP SERCHING PAIN DOES NOT GET TOO WIN

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What courage you have in the face of pain. Thanks for sharing your inspirational thoughts.


Good evening @maraglenn02, Welcome to Connect. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for every member. Would you help me understand the reasoning behind the 3 TKR surgeries? Did you have a MUA? Or something else? The symptoms you are coping with right now can be very unsettling. How long was it between the first, second, and third surgeries? What diagnosis were you given? How was the recovery? Did you work with a physical therapist at any point? And finally, have you ever heard of MFR....myofascial release therapy. When my first TKR acted up after a few years, I was referred to my TKR therapist. It took a few weeks before she was able to help me get rid of those kinds of symptoms.

I really need a few more details about your surgeries before I can perhaps be of some help. In the meantime what are you doing to combat your depression and hopelessness?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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What is a MUA? The 1st surgery October 2013 was to be a patella scrape, but the night before he changed to TKA. I was having redness, pain and swelling. In Feb 2015, I was told I was allergic to the metal, without being tested, so the metal was replaced with titanium. Still having pain, swelling, redness and now stiffness. The therapists made a game out of my care, as to trying to see who could get the best range out of my knee. Still having all the same symptoms so on May 2018, the third and final surgery, I was told, after the surgery that my TKA was loose and needed to be replaced. When I returned and told the doctor I was still in pain he yelled at me and told me I was a difficult patient and not to return. So, I am still in pain, can't bend my knee, swelling, bruising, fever, locking knee and near falls. I have a walker, cane and wheelchair. My quality of life is gone. I can't walk past a few yards, can only stand for 2-3 min. Can't play with my grandchildren, can't dance with my husband. I wake up at night when my knee locks with every turn or quick movement. I can take pain meds. The doctors I have seen 4 keeps telling me there isn't anything wrong with my knee, that it's basically in my head. Even with the noticeable swelling, fever and bruising.


What courage you have in the face of pain. Thanks for sharing your inspirational thoughts.

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I am not coping. I talk to amental health specialist 2 to 3 times a month. Cry daily. Another doctor wants to cut on me again but can't tell me why.


Through my journey of tears and very dark thoughts I found 4 things that really helped 1- being in touch with people on this forum 2- speaking with a PAIN PSYCHOLOGIST -3 being in touch with family and friends and not speaking about pain 4 MOST IMPORTANT STAYING ACTIVE , HOWEVER I AM ABLE. This isn't easy dealing with so much pain every day, after doing a surgery that I chose that was going to make my life better. Well it didn;t and now I must dealing with it . Think of things you like to do AND DO THEM, your mind will come off the pain and your life starts to slowly come back. IF YOU CAN'T WALK - RIDE ;; CAN'T RIDE -SWIM ;; CAN'T SWIM - STRETCH ;; CAN'T STRETCH - READ, LISTEN TO MUSIC, GO OUTSIDE. None of this is easy but it's YOUR LIFE SO FIGHT AND TAKE AS MUCH BACK AS POSSIBLE -- PAIN DOES NOT GET TO WIN BEST OF LUCK ---OU CAN DO THIS


Maraglenn 02 , two more things I meant to say that has help me alot is a book MANAGING PAIN BEFORE IT MANAGES YOU,, 4TH EDITION BY Margaret Caudill , MD, PHD,MPH, reading and practicing what I have read . Also I was never one for yoga and meditation but now I start every day in my own house doing 30- 45 mins of it and personal I have found it helps set the tone for day ,. Again I was never into it before but what can ever help I am open to .. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH BEST OF LUCK ... KEEP MOVING


What is a MUA? The 1st surgery October 2013 was to be a patella scrape, but the night before he changed to TKA. I was having redness, pain and swelling. In Feb 2015, I was told I was allergic to the metal, without being tested, so the metal was replaced with titanium. Still having pain, swelling, redness and now stiffness. The therapists made a game out of my care, as to trying to see who could get the best range out of my knee. Still having all the same symptoms so on May 2018, the third and final surgery, I was told, after the surgery that my TKA was loose and needed to be replaced. When I returned and told the doctor I was still in pain he yelled at me and told me I was a difficult patient and not to return. So, I am still in pain, can't bend my knee, swelling, bruising, fever, locking knee and near falls. I have a walker, cane and wheelchair. My quality of life is gone. I can't walk past a few yards, can only stand for 2-3 min. Can't play with my grandchildren, can't dance with my husband. I wake up at night when my knee locks with every turn or quick movement. I can take pain meds. The doctors I have seen 4 keeps telling me there isn't anything wrong with my knee, that it's basically in my head. Even with the noticeable swelling, fever and bruising.

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Good evening @maraglenn02
I wanted to make sure I found you again to explain that "MUA" means "Manipulation under Anesthesia". Sometimes post-surgery conditions can be moderated by manipulating the components of the knee while the patient is under anesthesia. Was that offered to you as a possibility?

Have you felt threatened by anyone regarding your surgeries? Are you being denied access to services?
May you be free, safe, and protected from inner and outer harm?


Good evening @maraglenn02
I wanted to make sure I found you again to explain that "MUA" means "Manipulation under Anesthesia". Sometimes post-surgery conditions can be moderated by manipulating the components of the knee while the patient is under anesthesia. Was that offered to you as a possibility?

Have you felt threatened by anyone regarding your surgeries? Are you being denied access to services?
May you be free, safe, and protected from inner and outer harm?

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Yes, it was performed after my first surgery. Everyone says that there isn't anything they can do. All this happened when my insurance changed. I had BCBS, GEHA and Tricare now I have Medicare, GEHA and Tricare.


Yes, it was performed after my first surgery. Everyone says that there isn't anything they can do. All this happened when my insurance changed. I had BCBS, GEHA and Tricare now I have Medicare, GEHA and Tricare.

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Hi @maraglenn02, I wanted to check in and see how you were feeling, both emotionally and physically?

I know @artscaping wanted to check in on you as well. I'd also like to invite @johnbishop, @libertyusa, @rknee, and @irish283 to see if they had any advice on how to cope.

Are you still talking to your mental health specialist?

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