29 months po. Still stiff and swollen

Posted by Garygirl @taftst1, Sep 28, 2023

Yep, seen 3 Ortho’s, mri, X-rays you name it. It’s tops big. Done Robiotic.

Still on low dose of med. 7 mg a day which I cut.

After TKR developed shaking. No, drugs don’t take it away! Seen 2 nuero, 1 endo for low cortisol.

Might have bakers cyst but afraid of aspiration. Been getting epidurals, blocks and RFA. Nothing has worked. Pain level is a 4-5 without meds but get sharp jabs all over the knee, at that point it can stop you in your tracks. No one knows. Not allergic was told it’s too big of a knee. Doc is afraid of anti inflammatory meds due to allergies.

But this internal shaking is driving me crazy. Hits about 1:30 then 3-4 pm. Then by 8 pm shaking so bad, heading to bed with ice.

I would never recommend this.

Plus developed tachycardia after laparoscopic which was done a year before TKR. Taking Dilitizem. Not really working that well.

Any ideas? Appreciate it. Feel for everyone in this group if having problems.

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I had 17 months of pain after TKR. I had a baker's cyst also I had a fabella bone removed. The horrible pain that I had was gone after surgery.

Just wondering....Why are you afraid of draining the Baker's cyst? Maybe the pressure is causing a lot of your pain.


Thanks for responding. Draining it was mentioned. Just afraid of another needle. They tell you to avoid due to infection, but after 2:21 am I may be calling this morning.

Last one I had it was surgically removed. Awful. Then they removed one during TKR. Wonder why we hat them?

Did it improve your range of motion?

Sad there is another one of us not out of pain. Ugh.


How do you know you are not allergic? I don't understand when you say too big of a knee?


Had all allergy tests. 3 other Ortho’s said I needed a child’s knee. Only 117 lb and 5’7. Small boned.


Oh plus not red, hot or itching. First thing they do is x ray, feel it , move it. Not allergic. It’s clunks too in the back where the plastic part it is. Once I get on the bike and get going, it’s ok.

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