1 year post single mastectomy pins and needles

Posted by cashemire @cashemire, Jul 7, 2023

Just wondering if others experience some discomfort after mastectomy even 1 year later? It is not real pain for me, but especially when lying down I feel a pins and needles feeling, which I assume is continued nerve regeneration or something? I hope it eventually goes away, since it is annoying. Any similar discomfort among readers on this site and did it go away ever?

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Hi I am 2 years after masectomy. Pins and needles usually are nerves regenerating. You can even get pain now and then. It will go away. Talk to your cancer care team about any symptoms they are great at helping to understand symptoms.


Four years out -- still happening, but I had a lot of nodes removed, and I suspect comes more from that. I also have cording. I "rub it out" when it happens. This is pretty much for norm for surgeries like mine. I can live with the symptoms as long as I know what it is (that's key).


Four years out -- still happening, but I had a lot of nodes removed, and I suspect comes more from that. I also have cording. I "rub it out" when it happens. This is pretty much for norm for surgeries like mine. I can live with the symptoms as long as I know what it is (that's key).

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I had all nodes removed as well but the pins snd needles feeling seems more from left mastectomy site. Sorry u have this 4 yrs on ! i’m surprised there r not more complaints sbout this lingering discomfort.


I'm 10 years out from my double mastectomy and still have numbness all over the place and my side are still extremely tender. It's been 3 years since my BC tumor in my chest was removed and that spot is soooo painful when I touch it and I often get pains when I don't touch it. Having said all that, I had a rare pre-existing neuropathy going into it all and my nerves get damaged easily. I've had pain from cording off an on throughout. PT is very helpful with that. Hoping your issues will fade away soon!


I had a lumpectomy on my right breast and I have pain in my ribs just under that breast. As I had a clear mammogram in May, and I had this pain b4 that, I think it’s long effects of radiotherapy. Maybe that’s what is causing your pain? I’m 2 years over the lumpectomy and will b 2 years iver radiotherapy in oct. Having said this, I’m going for an mri on Thursday cos if my back🤷‍♀️Dint know whether it’s side effects of my meds but has to b investigated. X

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