1 year later: involuntary limb movements, toe twitching, VERY jittery

Posted by falconhawaii @falconhawaii, Sep 1, 2023

My original post was a long time ago, but since then, my symptoms have seem to have gotten worse, with a few new ones. Like most posts here, they tend to be a page or so long, so for now, I'll just post my symptoms, and see if anyone has input, feedback, advice or suggestions.

Back surgery (herniated disc) in Dec 2020, affected my back, testicles, and right leg
Within the past 2 years: A kind of jittery, "electrically charged" feeling in my right foot. I describe it as rubbing your carpet, then getting that "buzzing" feeling. At times, trouble sleeping.
Within the past year: Middle right foot wiggling involuntarily. Sometimes had "sleep starts" when dosing off that only affected my right foot. Fasciculations randomly affecting different areas in my my whole body (like a heartbeat) like in my thigh, arm, back, even below my ribcage). At times, my finger would twitch. "Buzzing" feeling seemed to have tapered off
Within the past 6 months: Being woken by my sudden jolting of a leg (myoclonus?) At rest, my (big) toe would randomly twitch...just a few times in a minute, then stop.
Within the past 3 months: VERY uncomfortable sensation in BOTH feet as I try to sleep. Buzzing feeling came back to right foot. Took medicine and went to be treated for RLS. Been also waking up with minor back and leg pain that goes away soon after waking.
Within the past month: Uncomfortable feeling in right foot does not go away from day to day. RLS happens nearly every night, prevents me from falling asleep. Wake up a few times during the night. Jittery feeling is almost a constant from day to day. I find myself always "crossing" my legs when sitting (when just resting on the bed, if I don't cross my legs, it just feels uncomfortable). Sometimes at rest, my leg or foot will "spasm" at rest (not just twitch but a full jolt). Toe was twitching repeatedly instead of intermittently the other night.

Other info: 42 M, medium-high risk for diabetes, 267 lbs, 6'3", living in Japan. 1 coffee a day (avoided it for 2 days with no change of symptoms), I fully acknowledge I find it hard to avoid sweet drinks. Recent MRI noticed I have blocked sinuses. No headaches. Got prescribed "Regnite" for RLS, seemed to have worked at first, later bupkis. Later got prescribed "Depakene R (200mg)", Dr. saying it may be a form of epilepsy; worked for 2 days, then things got worse, so here I am typing this. I really don't know what it could be, but consider a form of Parkinsonism. What do you all think?

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I have similar symptoms. No diagnosis as of yet. I'm sorry you are going through this.


could be idiopathic peripheral neuropathy……

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