1 week of GI distress

Posted by craigjulian @craigjulian, Sep 10, 2023

About 8 days ago I started having nausea, burning in my upper GI, gurgling, trapped gas, belching, indigestion, and feeling very unwell. The days leading up to my symptoms, I had a lot of spicy food and just a lot of unhealthy food. I went to the immediate care 3 days ago and she said it might be a peptic ulcer and put me on 40mg omeprazole. I have been on 20mg for over a year. The 40 mg is not helping and I’m afraid to eat anything because that brings on all they symptoms full force.
I’m 53 and have GERD, but this feels different and because it’s lasting so long it’s concerning me. I had colonosCopy and endoscopy 2 years ago and was diagnosed with esophagitis, but my colonoscopy was normal. The problem is it takes forever to get in to see a pcp so I’m considering going to the ER.

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I have barretts esophagus. When I stopped eating fried foods, no ketchup or marinette sauce and no more spicy foods that helped during the day. Cut back on chocolate also. Mine started 15 years ago after a pizza.


Have you seen a gi dr? I had the same problems and found out my esphogus needed dilated...barium xray showed the problem...simple test


Change diet to low acid one. No soda or booze or carbonated drink. Cut out spices and spicy foods.


Thanks for all the suggestions and commented everyone. I went to the ED yesterday and was diagnosed with diverticulitis. I started today with changing my diet. It’s going to be difficult to live without coffee, sugar, fried and spicy foods, alcohol, and tomato sauces, but I have to do it.


I have BE and drink healthwise brand low acid coffee.


I finally went to the ED and they think I have diverticulosis after doing an abdominal CT with contrast. They put me on flagyl and cipro for two weeks.
My CT said questionable pericolonic streakiness along the cecum and ascending colon, colitis/diverticulitis not excluded.
It seems vague to me. I still have upper GI burning, nausea, constipation, indigestion, cramps, and bloating. Hoping the antibiotics and time will clear this up. Thanks for everyone’s responses and support.


I am not a medical person
of any sort, HOWEVER, in the past, I was prescribed omaprezole. OK. I took omaprezole for about one year everyday. That is, until I discovered, on my own, that omeprezole, is recommended to take no more than 14 days straight. I belive that taking omeprezole beyond 14 days will dissolve the GOOD BACTERIA in the gut. I no loner take omeprezole, and feel better. Again, this is MY PERSONAL experience.

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