1st PSA results after Proton Beam Therapy

Posted by saxman911 @saxman911, Dec 5, 2023

Prior to my biopsy and 28 proton (1 core was positive Gleason 7) therapies with a rising PSA to 4.8, quest diagnostic reports (6 weeks later) reports me having a 3.52 PSA

over the last six week sexual function is completely normal and I have lost nothing

urination is on the mild side - I drink more water during the day now

any thoughts


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@saxman911 Great news. When I got my first one it came on my portal. I had my eyes closed and then looked. Mine went down from 3.75 at start, 3 months later 1.2 adn then at 6 months .79.

But mine was low when I started treatments. Great feeling after going through all those treatmetns isn't it!!!

What was your starting PSA level.

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my starting PSA was 4.8.


well since my PSA went to 2.1 but my doctor has it at 2.21 I have no idea how he calculated it seeing the results of the test, he wants me to do the 3rd PSA test in three months.

he informed me that if the PSA goes down further he will take me off alfuzosin and when I asked him about my chronic prostatitis from the past he informed me it will not be an issue moving forward.
Maybe I'm lucky but my wife is very pleased being fully active. see you guys in three months when I'm 72 late April.



I am actually down to one time a night having no extra water past 7:30 PM.


I took the test at 7:00 AM December 4 and this morning December 5 I got the results so they must've done the test on the premises

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At Mayo, test results come back in about 30 mins.


ozelli, I would be positive you had such as drastic reduction in your PSA 11 weeks after treatment. This is the 3 month mark most are done at. I am told that it takes sometimes a year or more to get to the lowest mark you are going to get. Everyone is different in their recovery.

My PCP told me the prostrate is still pretty irritated after being radiated and thus they are looking for reduction after the tests. My oncologist/radiologist said the same think they are looking for reduction in PSA and only get concern if significant raise in PSA. I see from several posts that those who had hormone treatments and ADT their 3 month marks are lower than most who don't have ADT. Just my observation and don't know if medically means something.

You are correct PSA bounces are normal. Many things can cause the PSA bounce and not cancer so it is the test results over time. I am having my second one this week on Friday. I am just hoping for a reduction.

Remember watch what you do prior to test. I was told to not bike ride or have vigorous sex a week prior to test. The bike I understand as can cause prostrate irritation. I don't know why the vigorous sex is on there and what that means but I did not ask either.

Good Luck and let us know how you did!

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They advise not to have sex at least 48 hours before the PSA test and not necessarily vigorous sex. All sex is not allowed before PSA test.


They advise not to have sex at least 48 hours before the PSA test and not necessarily vigorous sex. All sex is not allowed before PSA test.

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I always stretch it out to one week

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