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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (6026)

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Hi Chris,

Thank you for the response. I've had painful things happen to me before (got burned, kidney stone, various accidents), but I've been fortunate that until this I've never had something that fell into the chronic pain/discomfort area. Like another said, I don't like to sound like a complainer, there's always someone worse off than yourself, but more just seeing if others had strategies that might work for me beyond what I've tried.

In answer to your question, no, I've never been tested for "small fiber neuropathy" via a skin biopsy. I didn't even know that was a thing. I'm not sure what the knowing would do for me, but perhaps it would. My tests were regular targeted x-rays, an MRI, and a nerve test. All these test did for me was conclude that it was nerve damage most likely a result from some spinal disk and arthritic degeneration.

I have not tried topical creams as of yet, perhaps because a mixture of I just haven't, and a bit of skepticism that they would actually work.

The morning exercises I do are a mixture of yoga stretching, the best that I got out of physical therapy, and just other stretching things that have always worked well and kept me limber in the past. I do these in the morning before work for about 25 minutes. The work I do in the gym is more weight/resistance stuff for my legs (I emphasize those more than ever now) in the belief that if I can get more blood circulation into my legs and feet it might help to stave off the pain.

Thank you much for the links. I'll check them out. I just want to see what's out there to do before I wave the white flag and venture into more hardcore pain killers. As of now, I'm mostly an IBU and Tylenol taker, though I have drifted occasionally into Tramadol. The thing is though, when it really acts up, goes to that 6-7-8 on the pain scale, they hardly dent it.

I do not have an answer for the annoying sweat thing. I just use powder, but that dissipates pretty quickly on bad days. My partner did find something online about a shot one can take to relieve such sweating, but haven't done a deep dive yet on it. Still in the research department on that annoying symptom.

I've really gained a deeper understanding of people whop suffer from chronic pain. It's not just the pain in and of itself; it's that it saps so much of your mental and emotional energy reserve that you want to employ in being productive and just enjoying like, for heaven's sake.

I have to run. Thanks again for the response, and best to you.


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Replies to "Hi Chris, Thank you for the response. I've had painful things happen to me before (got..."

Good evening....@memyselfi......You get the prize today for your description of the mental and emotional impact that chronic pain can have. I have been working with a behavioral therapist to help me rise above those reactions.

I also wanted to respond to your comment about the purpose of getting a skin biopsy. First, it will help with recommendations for symptom tolerance and eradication. Then, it will open the door for treatments and medications that can release you from annoying pain and the threat of falling. The results of the skin biopsy are the gold standard for insurance approval that can be required for coverage of physical therapies like MFR (myofascial release) and other treatments.

There are over 100 different types of neuropathy. The more you can zero in on the cause, the better you can be helped to develop tolerance and improve your quality of life.

May you find happiness and the causes of happiness.