Root Causes of Breast Cancer.

Posted by colely @colely, Jan 9, 2024

I was exposed to high amounts of Chlordane in adolescence, as was evidenced by my pesticide blood tests done at The Environmental Health Center-Dallas, at age 42. No other women in my family have breast cancer.

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I don’t believe there is evidence to support this. There are many people in healthy happy relationships with hormone positive breast cancer.

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I replying to my own thread as it’s a bit out context. I do think there’s a correlation with environmental factors for many types of cancers.


I have posted this graphic before. My oncologist and surgeon say unless genetic, you’ll never know the cause.

Best wishes to all, Cindy

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Should stress levels be on this chart? Or are they implied in certain categories? Or did I miss it.


As a native Austinite and 8th generation Texan, who lived there for 51 years, I also advise: get out of Texas. Or at least move to West Texas. Anywhere with cleaner air. There used to be a state law saying chemical plants had to tell nearby communities what chemicals were present at the plant. But the Texas legislature did away with that rule so chemical and oil industry plants can poison you at will. A plant in East Texas, right next to a river, is pumping out a carcinogenic gas, I think it's chlordane, at levels much higher than is considered safe. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) does zero to protect human health and does not in reality enforcement its own regs. There is even chlordane in the fish. If a plant blows up, humans won't have even a fighting chance to protect their health. The 13,000 ft. haze layer, from copious fracking just east of I35, from north to south in a big state, now hovers over Austin, unless a front clears the air temporarily.

My husband is a retired airline pilot. He said he routinely had to climb above 13,000 ft. to get out of the haze layer. He also had a bird's eye view of the lights at night from fracking wells running the full length of the state. It makes me very sad my home state is being rendered as unhealthy as possible. Because of money for a greedy few.


I don’t believe there is evidence to support this. There are many people in healthy happy relationships with hormone positive breast cancer.

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Thank you! Since hormone positive breast cancer is about 70-80 % and divorce rates are 50%, both are quite common. But I can't see how one causes the other. I'm very happily happy married (to my high school sweetie after many intervening decades) and I have hormone positive breast cancer. Certainly either of these problems can make other problems feel worse, though! I don't know what caused my breast cancer, but I will take some credit for the optimism to fall in love again after I was widowed at 41--and maybe the good sense to choose a guy I already trusted and was compatible with.


Totally can relate. I was in a terrible relationship when I was diagnosed the first time in 2007. No, a metastatic diagnosis and although my relationship isn't terrible, it is strained. I am ok with my diagnosis, but my husband deals with it differently. I think he sees me with one foot in the grave so he is depressed, so he drinks, and he has PTSD so we have a lot going on. I can understand the relation though.

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Super similar situation at my house. My husband just wants to pretend its the same thing as his skin cancer. He has never had a surgery, so he can"t really relate. Its super frustrating.


Should stress levels be on this chart? Or are they implied in certain categories? Or did I miss it.

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Probably. I am not looking at this chart in its most literal sense, but only as an illustration that it’s complicated trying a to pull one thread and say that’s the reason for disease. The human body is so complex!


Super similar situation at my house. My husband just wants to pretend its the same thing as his skin cancer. He has never had a surgery, so he can"t really relate. Its super frustrating.

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Ugh. I think because I am upright taking care of business he thinks its not serious


Should stress levels be on this chart? Or are they implied in certain categories? Or did I miss it.

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Mine is stress related .That’s what the doctors said . Since I have always been so healthy except when I am super stressed


Thank you! Since hormone positive breast cancer is about 70-80 % and divorce rates are 50%, both are quite common. But I can't see how one causes the other. I'm very happily happy married (to my high school sweetie after many intervening decades) and I have hormone positive breast cancer. Certainly either of these problems can make other problems feel worse, though! I don't know what caused my breast cancer, but I will take some credit for the optimism to fall in love again after I was widowed at 41--and maybe the good sense to choose a guy I already trusted and was compatible with.

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Thank you for sharing this!❤️


My oncologist thought my cancer was caused by taking the pills for menopause. My gyno thought it was a great little pill!
My thoughts are that it is a shame that the government doesn't, didn't and/or won't do its job in protecting all of us from the variety of carinogenic products out in the environment.

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Mine as well continued to prescribe PremPro, even as I approached 70 years. She never recommended stopping and doesn’t want to see me now, after my diagnosis. Amazing…

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