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Re: managing the condition and little medical treatment "cures," I have 5 siblings. All of us seem to have varying forms of something linked. Two diabetic, me idiopathic, one had gout and has a terrible time tolerating statin drugs, one was in the ER and CCU repeatedly before cancer claimed him. (I'll revise that as God.) One of us has a persistent immune disorder that effects her eyes too, but no neuropathy symptoms. When I have very terrible instances of neuropathy pain, my leg breaks out with eczema, but the opposite leg than the one that's painful. One sibling gets deep muscle pains, wonders if it's his statin drug. And two of us have challenges with their blood pressure shooting alarmingly high - or low. We're all thinking there's a genetic link to all of this to be uncovered. And that will take time to discover, maybe a generation or more.
Mark and all, what is meant by "SFN?"

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Replies to "Re: managing the condition and little medical treatment "cures," I have 5 siblings. All of us..."

Hi @pegc159 - SFN is small fiber neuropathy.

Small fiber neuropathy is the clinical term for the nerve disease affecting my feet. My diagnosis came from the neurological department at the Mayo Clinic.