← Return to Long COVID: What bloodwork and vitamin/supplement recommendations?

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Thank you very much for your response.
I really appreciate the link you provided also. Thank you.
It seems like there’s not 1 thing COVID does not affect.
My daughter notices that when she gets the foot pain the LC extreme fatigue comes shortly after. She’s seeing a pattern with the symptoms.
She needs to get to a new dr so she can address some of these things but she’s been dealing with her hip issue (a tear in hip labrum from the fall due to COVID dizziness). She can only deal with so much at once (emotionally it’s been extremely difficult). She went back to the orthopedist and he needs to do surgery but not until she can reduce the pain from the 4 bulging discs she also got from the fall. In order to do that she needs to go to a pain clinic. So that is the next step. And Medicaid insists she get that referral from a regular dr instead of the ortho. I don’t understand that but we must jump through the hoops.
My hope is that she can begin to address these other issues when she goes to the regular dr apt.
Again, thank you so very much for your reply.
It is heart-breaking for me to watch her suffer so much with all of these issues. I wish I could take it on for her.

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Replies to "Thank you very much for your response. I really appreciate the link you provided also. Thank..."

I’m sorry your daughter is going through so much!
I know you mentioned she didn’t want to take meds, but Paxlovid might help her.
It really helped me with dizziness and brain fog and pains, and twitching… all of my LC symptoms.

I had been trying all kinds of natural supplements and solutions but nothing was really working, then I had Paxlovid and my world and brain turned around!

It might be worth a shot, I felt better within 2 days of taking it and I’m still on it. It’s been a game changer for me