Taking care of "present you"

Posted by northoftheborder @northoftheborder, Jan 3, 2024

When you're living with cancer, sometimes you have just enough energy for yourself, and nothing left to help other people.

I'd like to suggest that "future you" is one of those other people. Worrying about or preparing for what might happen a week, month, year, or decade from now is helping "future you."

If you're having a rough day, leave "future you" to take care of themself, and focus on "present you", because that's who you are right now, and that person needs all your attention and love.

Just a thought. Stay strong and joyful.

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I think this is a very charming idea--and I love the idea of "future me" as someone who certainly isn't worrying about me now!
However, I am not that great at living in the moment, so I've devised a kind of compromise. I am living in 3 month periods--that is a season. I let myself have goals and aspirations for a 90 day period, then re-evaluate. It's fun too as I see what the flavor of each season might be--guests, gardening, holidays, tasks. I write it all down in a notebook. And I'm strict! Instead of going on a long riff of "who-knows-how-I'll be-in-April" I just don't plan anything!
Thank you--enjoyed your post.


It is 2:23AM. I am laying awake in hospital bed after my radical nephrectomy Friday afternoon. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you as you/we navigate our journeys. May somehow someway you find peace along your way


I live in today because that’s all we have! I was a planner, organizer, scheduler and facilitator my entire life having a successful career and raising 2 wonderful kids. After a stage IV kidney cancer diagnosis, I spent months in my ‘world’ trying to figure out my life now. After months of being very scared and praying a lot, I was given the gift of realizing today is all we have. I look to the future to plan travel in between dr/hospital visits. Other than that, I take moments to enjoy the moment I’m in. This was very hard at first but after a year, I’m calmer and happier! My grown kids like it too:)
Prayers for all of you that you find peace.


I COMPLETELY AGREE, Being Mindfully and Sensory and emotionally in the moment sucks the energy out of Cancer as it feeds on uncertainty and stress. Stay in the moment and appreciate as best you can.xxx

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