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no I haven't looked into hospice (which we would be doing from her home, way down the road). she is for the most part doing very well considering what she has, really the only thing that is really bad is the terrible heartburn,( bile acid) thing she has going on, which is hell on her because she always seems to get this kind of heartburn that when she burps it causes heartburn and a taste in her mouth that makes her absolutely miserable, we have tried several different things to get rid of it but it always comes back,at this point it's really the only thing keeping her down, otherwise she could be enjoying the time she has left, I am really hoping someone out there has some solid advice as to how we can get rid of this, because ever since she opted to stop chemo, it seems all the doctors involved with her are only interested in playing pass the buck ( which they told us would never happen, if she chose to stop the chemo) interesting how totally opposite things are being done after they told us what they did. as a matter of fact they are basically telling her now that she doesn't even need an oncologist since she no longer is taking the chemo. any positive thing that has helped her we have had to find out our selves after literally hundreds of hours of research, you would think the doctors would tell us the things that we had to search for. perfect example was the enzyme pills that I finally figured out she needed after about a month of suffering so bad that she was actually afraid to eat, and not one of her doctors told her she should start taking them( pretty sad if you ask me) anyways I don't mean to go on and on, but if someone could please explain to me what is going on with her stomach with this insane heartburn /bile thing and what to do to ease it or even better make it disappear I would so appreciate it, thank you,and god bless

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Replies to "no I haven't looked into hospice (which we would be doing from her home, way down..."

Please consider working with a palliative care MD or hospice. At my center, patients are referred to a palliative doc immediately after diagnosis. The palliative MD takes care of symptom control and comfort care; that's his focus, not anything to do with treatment. It's not hospice, although he can help set up hospice as well. Hopefully you can find someone you can work with quickly.