Symptoms of stage 4 lung cancer - diagnosed 1 month ago

Posted by stramont @stramont, Oct 21, 2023

I have Stage 4 lung cancer and A-Fib. I’ve been blaming SOB, fatigue, cough, balance issues on A-Fib. During tests at Mayo for Cardiac Ablation, a chest x-ray showed mass in lungs. Diagnosis Stage 4 Sept. after CT scan, PET scan, MRI Brain scan, Bronchoscopy Oct. 13. Scheduled consult 10/24 for treatment options. Since diagnosis I now have pressure in back and chest, no energy, shakiness, loss of balance, and loss of voice. I was hoarse 2 days b4 the bronchoscopy but it’s advanced to loss of voice. Is this a natural progression and does treatment relieve symptoms? Any suggestions to restore my voice? Thanks for any insights.

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Thank you for your response and information. The doctor told me the type I do remember there are two. I've been in a block mode I find I have trouble remembering and now just do what they schedule me for. Perhaps better said denial. The good news is chemo is 6 treatments and proton is 6 weeks. The bad news immunotherapy for a year. Hopefully my body behaves and I can do the full treatment plan.

We did discuss the cold cap. I watched many videos on people who have tried the cap and still lost their hair. My doctor did say it adds time to treatment day and since we live out of town less is best. Not to mention there is no place like home! So I will become a member of the brave women who did their journey with dignity.

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Here’s a positive thought! This could be the time that you can have the hair you want - via wigs! Have fun with it! Did you ever want to have long blonde hair? Short curly Brunette! Red head? No one says they have to be the expensive ones. There are plenty out there on the internet that are inexpensive. Just be playful! And if someone asks just blurt it out! I felt like I didn’t want anyone to know I had lung cancer because then I would be judged as having been a smoker, blah blah blah! Well, 9 months post op, I don’t care. I share my journey because it may help someone else step up and get that SO VERY IMPORTANT Lung screening! I may help them see it’s”OK”. A Lung Cancer diagnosis isn’t a death sentence like it was so many years ago. And THIS group is WONDERFUL! So do YOU! You will feel better, and it gives you a boost of positivity that you can make it through with a smile. 😊. God Bless You! Cindy


Here’s a positive thought! This could be the time that you can have the hair you want - via wigs! Have fun with it! Did you ever want to have long blonde hair? Short curly Brunette! Red head? No one says they have to be the expensive ones. There are plenty out there on the internet that are inexpensive. Just be playful! And if someone asks just blurt it out! I felt like I didn’t want anyone to know I had lung cancer because then I would be judged as having been a smoker, blah blah blah! Well, 9 months post op, I don’t care. I share my journey because it may help someone else step up and get that SO VERY IMPORTANT Lung screening! I may help them see it’s”OK”. A Lung Cancer diagnosis isn’t a death sentence like it was so many years ago. And THIS group is WONDERFUL! So do YOU! You will feel better, and it gives you a boost of positivity that you can make it through with a smile. 😊. God Bless You! Cindy

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Only once have I had to say to someone intent on lecturing me about past smoking that “I have enough regrets for us both so you can give it a rest. Try it. “


Here’s a positive thought! This could be the time that you can have the hair you want - via wigs! Have fun with it! Did you ever want to have long blonde hair? Short curly Brunette! Red head? No one says they have to be the expensive ones. There are plenty out there on the internet that are inexpensive. Just be playful! And if someone asks just blurt it out! I felt like I didn’t want anyone to know I had lung cancer because then I would be judged as having been a smoker, blah blah blah! Well, 9 months post op, I don’t care. I share my journey because it may help someone else step up and get that SO VERY IMPORTANT Lung screening! I may help them see it’s”OK”. A Lung Cancer diagnosis isn’t a death sentence like it was so many years ago. And THIS group is WONDERFUL! So do YOU! You will feel better, and it gives you a boost of positivity that you can make it through with a smile. 😊. God Bless You! Cindy

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I would have to add.. and I may have been your hairdresser for 20 years. It's good to see you.. do you remember that half of can of hairspray you wanted every week well that didn't work out to well for me. Ladies hug your hairdresser and that person doing your nails. They are putting their life on the line so you can look pretty. Add smoking and I was doomed right out of beauty school.


Good evening
Yes I gargle and rinse twice. I make sureit's for at least 30 seconds on each.
My journey started September 27th. I finally was taking time out from taking care of everyone and attend to my health issue. I had put off back surgery for at least 5 yrs. I'd reached the point that walking was not an option for shopping. We cruise often and I could no longer leave the ship. Standing firm I was going to get my surgery. The surgeon requested the usual prior to my surgery a blood test and chest X-ray. I received a call from my primary five days before our cruise that I needed a CAT scan due to seeing a mass on the X-ray. The scan came back confirming the mass. I opted to go to Mayo Clinic for my care. To date I've had 3 biopsies which have all returned with not enough tissue. Besides the mass in the upper left lung one lymph node is involved by the esophagas making surgery impossible. Monday I start proton therapy and like I said Tuesday chemo. I can do all the discomfort, and illness but for me it' hair. Kudos to all the women who made and will make the sacrifice of their hair. Not sure how I will get through this step!


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I feel your pain…I am in active hair loss as we speak. It’s so bad now, today is the day Im going to have to just take it all down. I’ve always had very long, very thick hair. Ive always been known as the girl with the hair lol. I recently had it cut short, in preparation for this day hoping it would be a little less traumatic, but not really.
Here we go…..😩


I feel your pain…I am in active hair loss as we speak. It’s so bad now, today is the day Im going to have to just take it all down. I’ve always had very long, very thick hair. Ive always been known as the girl with the hair lol. I recently had it cut short, in preparation for this day hoping it would be a little less traumatic, but not really.
Here we go…..😩

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@sksnow, how are you managing with the hair loss? It is a loss, especially when it makes up part of our identity.


@sksnow, how are you managing with the hair loss? It is a loss, especially when it makes up part of our identity.

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I’m okay. I’ve come to terms with it. Got a cute wig with a little pixie cut that has helped alot. Still avoiding the mirror at all costs when I don’t have my “hair hat” on.


I have had the same exact reaction. My voice has come back but is horse. I can live with it. My cough's have subsided and I attribute them to nasal drip.
I have been on Tagrisso. I haven't gone back to have any tests yet to see if it is working, it's only been 2 months.
Keep in touch


I have had the same exact reaction. My voice has come back but is horse. I can live with it. My cough's have subsided and I attribute them to nasal drip.
I have been on Tagrisso. I haven't gone back to have any tests yet to see if it is working, it's only been 2 months.
Keep in touch

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@mikee2all, I hope the Tagrisso is working for you. When is your next scan? Will you have a scan after 3 months?


I’m scheduled for initial consult with a local oncologist tomorrow and will be given a schedule of treatments. I’m experiencing some back/chest pressure and increased coughing and overall low energy, not everyday but often. Thank you for reaching out to me. It’s when you have challenges like this that you realize what a gift some people can be! I feel blessed to have found this site!

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@stramont I’m just checking in to see how you are doing? The last we spoke in the fall you were soon to start your immunotherapy. It would be awesome to hear how you are progressing!

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