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Smartvest...Is it helpful in eliminating sputum?

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Apr 21 12:46pm | Replies (56)

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Hello @ggatell. No, I have done no treatments for MAC. My case seems to be mild and does not warrant aggressive antibiotic treatment. I have been relatively healthy for that 7 yr. time-frame with regular exercise, a clean plant-based diet, a NAC supplement as well as nebulizing 7% saline solution (try for 2x a day). Mayo Clinic Doc suggested that I sleep on a wedge to make sure I was not aspirating fluid from acid reflux into my lungs) I also wear a mask when I go into any stores. My new Pulmonologist prescribed a vest for me to help eliminate mucus. (The jury is still out on that). Anyway, I did pick up a germ and got sick about 2 years ago. (unfortunately, I was wearing a surgeon's mask, not an N-95 when I encountered a sick coughing person in the grocery store.) Sure enough, I developed another bacterial infection, Pseudomonas Aerginosa. This has been more difficult and I finally did an antibiotic treatment of 2 antibiotics for 2 weeks. It has helped immeasurably but I do not believe the Pseudo's are gone. Time will tell. I think the trick is to stay as healthy as humanly possible. I wished I had taken a simple 10-day course of antibiotics when I got sick as I'm told that probably would have eliminated the Pseudos. I've requested bi-annual sputum tests to monitor the Pseudos.
I've had several Dr's say that wait-and-see was a good approach with MAC as my case is mild. They also do regular Catscans to monitor the growth and my nodules. If you have doubts, it is always a good idea to get a second opinion. I went to Mayo Clinic and the Dr there put my mind at ease....I feel very comfortable living with MAC without doing the big 3. Good luck to you and try not to worry. Kate

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Replies to "Hello @ggatell. No, I have done no treatments for MAC. My case seems to be mild..."

Thank you so much for taking the time for your reply. As of now they don’t have me on anything since my pneumonia cleared up. Still struggling with breathing at times but try to exercise as much as possible to help with my lungs. Well look into Mayo Clinic and get 2nd opinion
Again thank you. Your reply made me feel more at ease