← Return to Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

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Hi John
It seems like my feet are constantly changing in terms of how they feel. Started as numbness, electrical humming in my right foot then to the left foot as well. Late November both feet started hurting when walking. All very disappointing given how active I like to be on a given day. So now, top and bottom of both feet with occasional sensation in ankle. On gabapentin (100 mg 3x per day). Tried laser therapy and ECST with a local (Minneapolis, MN) chiropractor. I was skeptical of the treatment but decided to go forward after talking with some friends in the medical field. In the end, after 9 weeks both feet felt a bit worse so am taking a break from that treatment. Looking into the Protocol and may go forward with a 3- or 6-month purchase to see if any positive impact. The Mayo experience was helpful to obtain the idiopathic SFN diagnosis. However, plan to see a local Neurologist to have someone in the Twin Cities. The frustrating piece is how little tools there are in the established medical community to treat or manage SFN. Agree, Mayo Connect has been a valuable resource to learn more about the disease and how people are working to manage their own condition. Again, appreciate your comments and response.

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Replies to "Hi John It seems like my feet are constantly changing in terms of how they feel...."

Not sure if you have seen this list of Complementary and Alternative Treatments from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy so thought I would share it here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Complementary-and-Alternative-Treatments-Revised-2020-final.-1.pdf

I have small fiber SFN, some inherited version. Started alpha lipoic acid and within 2 weeks started getting back feeling in my feet. After 6 months I have regained most of my feeling. I started at 300mg bid then after a couple of months went to 600 mg because it had made an improvement/decrease in my back pain. After 6 months my feet “feel” better and my back pain (nerve pain) is very well controlled. No more Tylenol and advil (for back).

Re: managing the condition and little medical treatment "cures," I have 5 siblings. All of us seem to have varying forms of something linked. Two diabetic, me idiopathic, one had gout and has a terrible time tolerating statin drugs, one was in the ER and CCU repeatedly before cancer claimed him. (I'll revise that as God.) One of us has a persistent immune disorder that effects her eyes too, but no neuropathy symptoms. When I have very terrible instances of neuropathy pain, my leg breaks out with eczema, but the opposite leg than the one that's painful. One sibling gets deep muscle pains, wonders if it's his statin drug. And two of us have challenges with their blood pressure shooting alarmingly high - or low. We're all thinking there's a genetic link to all of this to be uncovered. And that will take time to discover, maybe a generation or more.
Mark and all, what is meant by "SFN?"