← Return to Long COVID: What bloodwork and vitamin/supplement recommendations?

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I started on NAC in November for a bout of shin tendonitis. It helped the tendonitis and I have stopped taking it recently but I am feeling mild Long Covid symptoms again and should go back to it.
I have had similar symptoms. Your daughter may be deficient in some nutritional requirements, like I was. I would recommend sublingual (under the tongue liquid) B12 and zinc. Sublingual is better absorbed. I take the zinc in the middle of the night. Try to take zinc 2 hours away from anything else. I take the B12 first thing in the morning. They are better absorbed if taken on a empty stomach.
Zinc helps the immune system fight the long covid and B12 is needed to form the red blood cells to convey the oxygen throughout our body.
Last year, I was taking a small amount of zinc with other supplements, but it was not getting absorbed and my immune system was losing the battle.
I would also recommend keeping a “Health Journal”. I have several on Word. One is a day by day journal on symptoms and what I am trying. The others are special areas, like natural blood thinners to dissolve the microclots caused by Covid. There are natural products and foods that are mild blood thinners, such as berberine that is from pineapple. (If you cut up a fresh pineapple, save the core and put it in a mini-food processor with a little water to grind it up. The berberine supplement makers get berberine from pineapple cores. The rest of the pineapple as some, but the core is highest.) Another natural blood thinners is ginger. I have ginger tea each morning. I put a teaspoon of ground ginger in a mug, add hot water and some citrus juice and use a mini-wisk blender.
I will give you some links for natural blood thinners:

I will give you a link for an article on the Japanese fermented beans, natto. The nattokinase, K1, is a known blood thinner. I have been “preaching natto” on the blog, but no takers. (I am assuming your daughter is not currently on any blood thinners. No one should do both the meds and natto.)

I make natto with fresh natto from Brooklyn as a starter. (Okay, I am weird.) I have it with olive oil (for absorption) and kimchi, Korean fermented cabbage. The combo is supposed to be a good immunity booster. (I am blood type A which means low immunity and I need a booster.) After all that, I will give you a link:


I hope some of this is helpful and feel free to send a private message at any time.

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Replies to "I started on NAC in November for a bout of shin tendonitis. It helped the tendonitis..."

Barbering does not come from pineapple. Bromelain come from pineapple.

This is extremely helpful information. My deepest appreciation to you!
I am going to include this in my notes for when she sees her new GP. The info on the vitamins and when to take them is particularly interesting. Thank you so much!
I am going to review the information in the links you provided. I have been down sick for a few days so have a lot of catching up to do.
Again thank you.
I’m not sure I know how to private message but I’ll look into how to do that.
Hugs and many many thanks

Excellent info! Can totally relate to your au natural approach! Doctors are still in left field…
Here’s my take..
Unfortunately, too many doctors cannot even think of adding long hauler to their concerns regarding patients. I am a long hauler for 3 years now…and functioning as if cured…but not.! Had to take it upon myself to save my own life after seeing way too many doctors who were, frankly, useless. I am fully aware of their lack of knowledge as understanding of Covid and subsequent treatments develop, BUT the profiteering in long Covid treatment centers and encouragement regarding same by major medical institutions is blatant.

So, I’ve spent the last 3 years requesting testing to confirm that my symptoms weren’t (aren’t) going to kill me…, once able to resume exercising slowly building up to pre-covid modified routine, tolerating the horrible fatigue with determination not to completely atrophy, read any and all literature I could find on the internet, incorporating every supplement that showed any influence on mitigating symptoms ( now at 41 supplements…with my recent
( and final) Cleveland Clinic PCP annual visit, via her body language and haughtiness…unaccepting of my approach that is “working”). Covid fatigue, pins and needles in lower legs and bottom of feet remaining as primary symptoms. I take no medications. ALL of my bloodwork is within range. The doctors have very typically disregarded the printed research findings I have handed them the last three years, handing it back to me with a distrust and since “ all of my testing is “normal.”

I exercise everyday and have built back up to 10 and 15lb weights, treadmill speed walking, resistance bands. AND I have totally healthy eating habits for many years because of my dedicated exercising habits for many many years.

Punchline: I am a 76 year old female. ( Covid at 73) AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN PUBLIC WITHOUT A MASK SINCE COVID.
My next focus is on the very recent validation of mitochondria involvement in Covid fatigue. I will Google and gather as much info as possible in order to address possible tests and treatments…
Kudos for you for sharing important details.

Interesting, thank you. I have started on each of these except the natto….in addition to vit C, vit D, magnesium, L-carnetine and co-Q10 - all as a result of my own research since I’ve been left feeling like I’m on my own with all this after a number of specialists over the course of 18 mos. and no success at eliminating my symptoms. In fact it seems to be progressing. So then my primary said stop everything except prescribed meds, vit-D and magnesium. That was 4 mos ago. After reading your story I’m going to try the B-12, berberine and zinc (during the night-thanks, that was real interesting as I always took it in the morning) and ginger. My question to you is what are the dosages for each of the supplements you’ve mentioned?