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Looking to understand

LGBTQIA Health | Last Active: Jun 24 2:27pm | Replies (11)

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Thank you for the link from past discussions. I am trying to be understanding. Which is difficult at times, because selfishly I'm concerned that my child will become sterile and omit any possible opportunities to have biological children. Or what happens with botched surgeries or they realize later in years they made a mistake with the choice.? Could this be a rebellion against an over bearing father which whom I have been divorced 8 years? Is it possible to be the result of doing what's "cool" or trendy?
And Please understand I am not trying to be ignorant with my comments or concerns, I do feel they are genuine to many parents.- This is my only child. As a parent we want our kids to be happy, productive, kind people. But deep down we do want our children to have children of their own... I understand adoption is an option and children of their own my never be wanted- but now the HRT eliminates that chance? - And what about physical changed? And defiantly social issues!? So many things. - Thanks for "listening"

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Replies to "Thank you for the link from past discussions. I am trying to be understanding. Which is..."

I'm glad you're trying to understand. I found this quote from Cesar A. Gonzalez, Ph.D., L.P., Psychiatry and Psychology, at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota:
"Some people erroneously think transgender patients make a choice to change their gender. Rather, it's about confirming their identity and wanting to live authentically. Being transgender indicates diversity, not pathology. Our goal is to relieve the distress associated with the incongruence between their gender identity and physical body." Read more here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/endocrinology/news/mayo-clinics-transgender-and-intersex-specialty-care-clinic-provides-a-home-base-for-transgender-patients-and-those-with-differences-of-sexual-development/mac-20502820

An essential part of transitioning is supportive counseling. Is your child being cared for at a Transgender Specialty Care Clinic?

You can read about the Transgender and Intersex Specialty Care Clinic at Mayo here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/care-at-mayo-clinic/mac-20475281
Care involves many specialties and disciplines. This can include counseling for parents and allies who are supporting your child in their journey. Do you have access to counseling where you can ask frank questions, be open about mourning your loss of what you thought the future would be with grandchildren, and express your concerns and fears?