Shingrix and peripheral neuropathy

Posted by joannerhodes @joannerhodes, Feb 1, 2019

4 days after my 2nd Shingrix vaccination, I suddenly developed intense peripheral neuropathy in both feet...for the first time in my life...anyone else?

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Signed up on here for help and information. I have been doing a lot of research since diagnosis. I am a 76 year old woman, who had been very active till this hit me. Have had Idiopathic neuropathy since 1991, dr believes caused from epilepsy medication called Dilantin. It has been mild compared to many of you. Have taken B12 only. And done acupuncture. Now use a walking stick so I stand straighter as I walk, at times on uneven ground will use walker. I try to get in 3-5,000 steps a day and do mild exercise, and when weather is good work in yard. Have fallen over the years, fractured nose 4 years ago. Luckily been 7 months since I have taken a spill. Balance is concerning, when I used to walk down the street I looked like a "drunk person". Even with stick I walk a bit off side. I know a walker may be full time but fighting it!
Now diagnosed with cancer, concerned for chemo and radiation treatment how they will affect me, and will it be long term, will I lose my freedom, have to have a caretaker, go into facility. Been researching here in the PNW but not found any response yet.
Maybe someone here is going thru it. Thank you

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Here is a suggestion. When walking on uneven ground, instead of a clunky walker, just use 2 hiking sticks. This is sometimes called Nordic Walking. I find I can hike almost anywhere by doing this. (I'm 74.)


10 days after first Shingrix vaccine, I ended up with Guillian-Barre Syndrome, could not move any extremity, hospitalized for 1 month.


10 days after first Shingrix vaccine, I ended up with Guillian-Barre Syndrome, could not move any extremity, hospitalized for 1 month.

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Do you have any lasting effects from having GB?


Here is a suggestion. When walking on uneven ground, instead of a clunky walker, just use 2 hiking sticks. This is sometimes called Nordic Walking. I find I can hike almost anywhere by doing this. (I'm 74.)

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Up till a few weeks ago, I had a rescue dog 20 pounds. I use one walking stick, now that he has crossed the bridge I will try both sticks. And at times I use my walker on uneven ground.


This is the Facebook group that I follow: Shingrix severe reaction group
There are over 600+ members.


I hope everything goes well with you! Mine hasn’t progressed much in the past couple years… feet numb, burning, tingling, etc. Some days are worse than others. I’ve also got a strange rash on the back of both ankles which no Dr says they have ever seen before (pics attached). It’s always there but some days worse than others… doesn’t hurt and I don’t see a correlation between the neuropathy severity at the time and the rash. Also, as I said, my legs (thighs) feel heavy and tired. Vascular (arterial) study was good but they have ordered a veinous study to see if that is okay. I get health care through the VA so things don’t proceed quickly. My biggest fear is it spreading up through my body. Not 100% sure this started right after the shingrax vax as memory is hazy but it seems like it’s possible based on what I can remember (for example I remember going away for my 50th b-day and definitely NOT having feet issues and then I got the vax and now here we are). I only got the J&J COVID vax once and have never had COVID.

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I would like to talk with the person that posted the picture of the rashes on legs. Please private message me. Thanks


This is the Facebook group that I follow: Shingrix severe reaction group
There are over 600+ members.

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After receiving the 1st Shingrix vaccine I began feeling pins and needles all over my body. Very uncomfortable! This seems to be slowly receeding after 2 months. Is this common?

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