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What does your radiation oncologist say about this?

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I was debating on contacting the oncologist - although at my cancer center messages and conversations usually go through survivorship first. They will bring in the oncologist if needed. I’m also 3 1/2 hours from the center so I hesitate to get into a situation that would involve the 7 hr round trip, unless I really wanted the doctor to address the issue. I have sent photos and used telehealth - and I’m comfortable using this, but this type of pain means they need to palpate the area. Gotta be hands on.
It was right around the holidays when this started and I knew I wanted to avoid a day or two trip to Houston if I could.
The pain has subsided into just tender to the touch. But if it returns I will contact the doctor.
I really want a better “orientation” to my “new breasts”. (I had a breast reduction along with the lumpectomy.) I’d like a lump by lump map of my breast, like, here’s where the DCIS was removed and a lymph node probably was cut out along with it, here’s where we removed lots of tissue to reduce the size - and and you can feel the different sections that were fit together, this is where the nipple pedicle was run and may cause raw nerve endings, yada yada yada
Maybe it’s an unusual request, but I’d just like to know which of the lumps and valleys are expected to meld together, and which ones may continue to have extra lymph fluid waiting to be absorbed. I do ask questions and come in with a list of concerns, but by gosh, it’s a day after my visit when I realize I’m missing some info I really wanted.