Questions regarding Pathology Report for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Posted by katrina123 @katrina123, Jan 6, 2024

A few days ago, I had lumpectomy surgery for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, and I just received the pathology report on the patient portal.
Good news--Clear margins for the Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

Questionable news--The report shows Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: Present.
Nuclear grade 2
report says at least 3 mm.
However, it shows distance from DCIS to Closest Margin: 2mm
So, I have no idea if I have DCIS or not.

This is a big surprise. I will have to wait until Monday to find out what this means for me. I wonder if I will need to have another lumpectomy before my radiation.
Have any of you had this happen to you?

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So the DCIS was not removed? Just want to be clear. My impression, at the time I had a diagnosis, that many of us have both IDC and DCIS. In fact, DCIS is a precursor to IDC. Are you saying this is a separate cancer? Sorry I did not understand this:

"However, it shows distance from DCIS to Closest Margin: 2mm
So, I have no idea if I have DCIS or not."


I’m going to assume that you had DCIS but was removed along with the IDC.

When you go to your appointment on Monday, ask for a printout of the pathology report and then have your physician discuss line by line the information contained within the report. ♥️


I’m sorry your Path report was posted before your doctor was able to talk to you.
I’m thinking you must of had DCIS and IDC. My DCIS was 3cm and IDC was .9mm.
Get it printed and have them explain even though it may be overload. I know that had a printout that you can fill out- it made it simple/easier to understand the “language” .


So the DCIS was not removed? Just want to be clear. My impression, at the time I had a diagnosis, that many of us have both IDC and DCIS. In fact, DCIS is a precursor to IDC. Are you saying this is a separate cancer? Sorry I did not understand this:

"However, it shows distance from DCIS to Closest Margin: 2mm
So, I have no idea if I have DCIS or not."

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I agree that it's difficult to understand. Part of the report looks like they removed the DCIS but part made it sounds like it wasn't removed.
Size extent of DCIS: Estimated size is at least 3 mm. If they removed the DCIS would they say estimated size is at least 3 mm on the pathology report??
I have a lot to learn but isn't DCIS always a separate cancer from Invasive Ductal Carcinoma? I understand that Invasive Ductal Carcinoma begins as DCIS but once it leaves the ducts isn't it a separate cancer from any DCIS still in the ducts?
I know that I am worried. This was my second breast cancer lumpectomy in 4 years so the idea that I might need to have another surgery is a big concern.
I am not very knowledgeable regarding DCIS so I am still learning.
Any feedback is appreciated.



I’m going to assume that you had DCIS but was removed along with the IDC.

When you go to your appointment on Monday, ask for a printout of the pathology report and then have your physician discuss line by line the information contained within the report. ♥️

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That's a really good suggestion.


I'm sorry that I do not have any information for you on the test results. I do, however, want to acknowledge the heaviness of waiting for an explanation. It is agonizing and I wanted you to know, I hear you. I hope any news you hear is everything good. Hugs


@katrina123 I believe sometimes DCIS and IDC are part of the same tumor, and it is also possible to have a separate DCIS. I get that you are focused on the "estimated." I honestly forget if that language is used for DCIS that has been removed. Your doctor will explain!

Has a mastectomy been suggested? Do you need radiation again? Meds?

I hope you get clarifying info soon so anxiety can be addressed with answers!!


I really think the most important factor after no lymph node involvement and clear margins is whether you have any residual cancer. That would be my first question. I am not sure about other BCs but in triple negative that is somewhat predictive of recurrence risk.
Also, I agree with all comments regarding the anxiety of waiting for the information our providers and institutions need to do much better about this issue!


I'm sorry that I do not have any information for you on the test results. I do, however, want to acknowledge the heaviness of waiting for an explanation. It is agonizing and I wanted you to know, I hear you. I hope any news you hear is everything good. Hugs

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That's nice.

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