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Hi everyone. Yesterday I had my followup visit with the neurosurgeon, and was less than thrilled. She wouldn't answer any of my questions about pain control and neuropathy. Her response to every question was that she's a surgeon, not a neurologist. Since my pain level is no less than it was before surgery, she had done all she could for me, unless/until a doctor ordered some procedure which she would be happy to perform. That was mostly in reference to my question about a pain pump implant. I have to find a doctor who would order that and manage it. She only puts it in and doesn't do the management of medication.

And speaking of meds, she commented in passing that morphine doesn't treat neuropathy pain. (Sound familiar, @faithwalker007 ?) You can imagine how I felt about her saying that. She also was really surprised that my pcp told me that if he learned that I was using any cannabis products he would stop prescribing any pain meds. That, even though any form of cannabis is legal here in Oregon.

She told me that because my pain is from my knees to my toes, a DRG stimulator is contraindicated. It treats only a very specific location, unlike the scs that is supposed to treat larger areas. So, I'm going to get my SCS adjusted soon, and give it another try. It's possible that it could be programmed to become effective now that my spinal canal is no longer being constricted. We shall see.

I'm continuing to wean myself off morphine, down to one 15mg in the morning now. I'll continue at that level for a week. Last time I tapered off it I had no withdrawal symptoms, to see at what level it's treating the pain in my feet and ankles. I have an appointment with the neurologist next Tuesday, and I'm going to be asking for clear answers that the surgeon wouldn't give. The plan is to try Cymbalta again. I started to try it a couple of years ago, but that was during the same time that I tapered off morphine, so I probably didn't give it a fair chance. A month after that I have an appointment with the pain specialist - he has told me that he doesn't deal with pumps - I'd have to find a different pain doctor for that.

The surgeon was very pleased with the healing of the surgery incision. I had a little pain from it for 3-4 days, but none since then. (I did ice it a lot the first week after surgery.)

So, @lorirenee1 I guess that a DRG stimulator is not in my future.

I've spent more than an hour writing this, so I need to stop and get outside to my chores.


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Replies to "Hi everyone. Yesterday I had my followup visit with the neurosurgeon, and was less than thrilled...."

@jimhd Hi Jim, So sorry your appointment with your neurosurgeon went so poorly. I guess she sees herself as a surgeon, period. To not address the reason you had your surgery is pathetic, and how she lives with herself is beyond me. My breast surgeon once told me she became specifically a breast surgeon because it is a more compassionate area within the surgical profession. She is a hugger, a little love. I feel blessed to have had her. I do hope that your current stimulator manages to again give you some relief, as it really does sound that the DRG is wrong for you. It really is for a lower extremity, specific body part. Sometimes I just feel it's all hog wash, and we are here, alone. Terrible attitude, I have sometimes. But the whole area of pain treatment is so limited. I hope your visit to the neurologist is a good one. At least you are going! I have kind of given up on them. I do my foot exercises religiously as the neuropathy has damaged my foot muscles. I am determined not to be in a wheel chair. Anyway, thanks so much for sharing. I am happy that at least, the surgery itself, went well in terms of healing and not getting infected. Keep us further informed, Lori Renee