My wife had TKR about 5 months ago. She developed what she described as a tight band sensation around her knee and then neuropathy of the adjacent foot which comes and goes
She’s pretty miserable and wishes that she’d never had the procedure.
I’ve encouraged her to take the gabapentin but she’s doesn’t think it helps and is very paranoid about taking any pain medication due to all the potential for kidney and liver damage
Her surgeon who is well respected locally has been no help in regard to advice or pain management ( he actually prescribed an anxiety med for her when she described her issues )
She got a second opinion from another local surgeon who basically blew her off stating that it’s very common and that most likely the foot issues are probably from her back which doesn’t seem that likely since she’s never had any back issues
A few weeks ago she visited our new primary physician who is an internist and seems very caring and smart
He ordered an MRI to try to get a better insight than the X-ray that her surgeon ordered along with urinalysis and bloodwork
He was concerned because he said her knee felt warm to touch compared to her other knee
The x ray shows the mechanics of the knee are fine but as he states it doesn’t show other issues that could cause it
She has a follow up this week to review with our PCP so hoping for some intelligent insight and advice from a Doctor that seems to care rather than the overpaid mechanic that guided the robot to install the knee
I have the same issue. Tight band feeling around the knees along with tightness from knees down to feet. Mine unfortunately has been for 2 years! So frustrating not to get any answers as to why. PCP, knee surgeon, rheumatologist thinks it's coming from the back. MRI done but nothing affirmative shows. I pray that you find the answers and get relief. Please post your outcome.