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Nerve damage after hip replacement surgeries

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Jan 8 10:32am | Replies (25)

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Good evening mackad24, and a big Happy New Year welcome to Connect. As I read the first paragraph of your post, I immediately felt that your description of the anterior/side thigh pain was very similar to what I am experiencing. I have tried similar "tricks". Here are two more for you to think about. First....do you use any ice or cold packets on your thigh? And if so is your leg elevated on a formed and elevated foam riser? That also might help.

Number #2....do you happen to have a 4" Sportime Soft Ball #009091. If not you can find them on Amazon. Turn on your side and place the ball (you may have to add some air) under the area of your thigh that is troubling you. Even if that area complains (hurts) immediately, it will calm down in a few minutes. Once you have found the "spot" and see how the nerve pain dissipates, you will be able to adjust it to your liking. It is also possible to roll on your stomach and place the ball under your thigh. Just lie quietly and the pain will be relieved considerably.

Sometimes during the day when I get up from a chair, I can feel the thigh pain sort of lock-in. Rubbing the area tightly with one hand on top of the other seems to bring some immediate relief. And of course, going back on the ball for a few minutes can be helpful.

The final step or Number #3 would be to see an MFR (myofascial release) therapist and get that area loosened up considerably. I do that twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. The professional treatment usually lasts for several days. But just in case there is always the ball.

To find out more about MFR, you can follow this link to a discussion developed by my mentor colleague @jenniferhunter.

Just to verify all of this, I spent about 6 months at the Mayo Clinic learning how to sit, walk, and stand in ways that protect my thigh from stiffening up and generating pain. I was even taught how to get up properly from a fall to prevent creating additional pain and tightness.

Like you, I tolerate the pain and discomfort but only for a few moments. Then I head for the ball and begin to sort of unwind everything. You will also begin to recognize what's coming and get started before it hits.

Please let me know if additional information is needed and I would like to know how the ball placement works for you.

May you be safe, protected, and free of inner and outer harm.

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Replies to "Good evening mackad24, and a big Happy New Year welcome to Connect. As I read the..."


Thank you so much for taking time to reply with so many helpful ways to deal with this. I will go on Amazon and check out the ball. I especially like the MFR idea. I will look into that. I presume you had THR. If so, when? And how long has your thigh numbness/nerve pain been going on? My fingers still crossed it will resolve. 🙂

Happy New Year!

Six months at the Mayo Clinic! Wow, that is intensive. It sounds like you were taught to develop management options that work very well. I appreciate your sharing all this with me, Chris.
