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@spicerpa , We can take the discussion to the private message facility if you'd like, but I was wondering what aspect of your medical status would actually preclude you from getting your instrument rating, and if something specific has already grounded you from the private pilot VFR flight.

I was hoping to resume private pilot lessons after getting sidetracked many years ago, and wondered about my medical status as well. I'm also Stage-4 PDAC and on chemo, but the only things that might affect my flight -worthy physiology might be fatigue and diarrhea, which lots of other pilots suffer from and manage.

Grade-2 neuropathy in my feet has reduced the sensation slightly, but not affected motor control. I think, based on my ability to still drive cars with a manual transmission, that my feet are sensitive enough to pressure that they would also control rudder pedals with no problem.

Rules probably differ somewhat between Oz and USA, but I don't know exactly what medical standards apply, at least for VFR private pilot. (If nothing else, I think I could qualify to get the recreational or sport pilot certs here.)

Thanks and good luck!

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Replies to "@spicerpa , We can take the discussion to the private message facility if you'd like, but..."

Hi there @markymarkfl

I have type 2 diabetes as well and need to have annual medicals which involve a cardiac stress test and if my fasting sugar went above a certain value (I think it was 7.5) I needed to report it to CASA (equivalent of the FAA in Oz). The annual medical also included having a full medical with a DAME. This was due August 2023 and I knew I wouldn’t pass the exam given fortnightly chemo was also tiring and had other side effects. Basically I wasn’t in a physical or mental place to be a PIC.

When I was having chemo the diarrhoea was really bad as well and there was no way I would get into a single engine plane without a toilet!

Now that I am on a chemo break I am probably in ok condition to confidently fly but I haven’t been PIC since before May and would need to brush up with an instructor and get my medical done. That said, my fasting sugar is above the CASA threshold (I think). My neuropathy has almost gone and I am in a better head space to do it, other than diarrhoea probably being a consideration. Just don’t eat before flight!

Good luck! It is a fantastic hobby and I do miss it. I still go with some flying buddies as a passenger but not quite the same…

Let me know what you do!
Regards Peter